
Mind Map on PESTICIDE POISONING CAUSED TODDLER’S DEATH, created by Batool Aldaher on 16/12/2016.
Batool Aldaher
Mind Map by Batool Aldaher, updated more than 1 year ago
Batool Aldaher
Created by Batool Aldaher about 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Food poisoning and intoxication
    1. causes
      1. toxic agent
        1. infectious agent
          1. viruses
            1. parasites
              1. bacteria
                1. Bacillus cereus
                  1. Campylobacter species
                    1. Clostridium botulinum
                      1. Clostridium perfringens
                        1. Listeria monocytogenes
                          1. Staphylococcus aureus
            2. Sign and symptoms
              1. Nausea
                1. Vomiting
                  1. Watery diarrhea
                    1. Abdominal pain
                      1. Fever
              2. common poisonous household items
                1. The most dangerous poisons for children
                  1. Medicines
                    1. Carbon monoxide
                      1. Button batteries
                        1. Iron pills
                          1. Cleaning products
                  2. The most common poisons in adults
                    1. pain medicines
                      1. antidepressants
                        1. cardiovascular drugs
                          1. alcohols
                            1. pesitcides
                              1. bites
                  3. Emergency management
                    1. DO NOT
                      1. Give an unconscious person anything by mouth
                        1. Induce vomiting
                          1. Try to neutralize the poison with lemon juice or vinegar
                            1. Use any "cure-all" type antidote
                              1. Wait for symptoms to develop
                          2. Critical Care
                            1. helps people with life-threatening injuries and illnesses. It might treat problems such as complications from surgery, accidents, infections, and severe breathing problems
                            2. Induced coma
                              1. when a patient receives a controlled dose of an anesthetic to cause a temporary coma or a deep state of unconsciousness.
                              2. Endotracheal intubation
                                1. Hemodynamic Monitoring
                                  1. assessment of the Cardiovascular System
                                    1. Arterial Blood Pressure
                                      1. Central Venous Pressure
                                        1. Pulmonary Artery Catheter
                                          1. Cardiac Output Measurement
                                            1. Tissue Oxygenation
                                            2. Hemodialysis
                                            3. Synapses
                                              1. types
                                                1. Structural Classification
                                                  1. Axosomatic
                                                    1. Axodendritic
                                                      1. Axoaxonic
                                                  2. Functional Classification
                                                    1. Electrical
                                                      1. Chemical
                                                    2. Synaptic transmmation
                                                      1. One-to-one synapses
                                                        1. One-to-many synapses
                                                          1. Many-to-one synapses
                                                      2. Neurotransmitter
                                                        1. types
                                                          1. acetylcholine
                                                            1. 2- monoamines
                                                              1. Purines
                                                                1. Fatty acids
                                                                  1. peptides
                                                                    1. Single ions
                                                            2. mechanism of action
                                                            1. Autopsy
                                                              1. Legal importance of autopsy
                                                                1. Psychological Rehabilitation for Grief Reaction
                                                                  1. support group
                                                                    1. grief counselor
                                                                      1. face feelings
                                                                        1. Engage activities
                                                                          1. anniversaries
                                                                            1. Psychoeducation
                                                                  2. Demographics
                                                                    1. Abd al rahman ( 6 years old )
                                                                      1. Habiba ( 2 years old )
                                                                      2. Epidemiology
                                                                        1. 75% of the poisoning exposures happen to children under 5 years of age
                                                                          1. Nearly 90% of exposures occurring at home
                                                                          Show full summary Hide full summary


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