The witches say this during one of the
apparitions, it shows us that he
doesn't have as much status as
Macbeth but he is a mentally a better
"not so happy, yet much
"The instruments of darkness tell us truths,
win us with trifles".
Banquo knows from the start that the
witches are not telling the whole truth,
however Macbeth falls into their lies and
gives into their wishes showing that
Banquo Is smarter and stronger.
"I fear thou played'st most foully"
Banquo also shows he is smarter as
he is the first character to grow
suspicious of Duncan's death. This
is because he was with Macbeth
when the witches made there
"True worthy Banquo, he is so
This quote shows that Banquo
is well respected by the people
of Scotland, including the king
"This bird hath made his pendent
bed and procreant cradle"
Bird imagery
Procreation, imagery of
child birth.
"Like our strange Garments"
Clothing imagery, shows the contrast
of appearance verses reality