Savannah Elephant


Social Intelligence Mind Map on Savannah Elephant, created by arashi0712 on 07/05/2013.
Mind Map by arashi0712, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by arashi0712 almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Savannah Elephant
  1. matrilines - semi permanent, aggression mediated dominance
    1. power=age/size related
      1. female kin coop
        1. allomothering
          1. alliances
            1. calf care
              1. no of adults determines protection effectiveness
                1. association between no of allo mothers and calf survivorship
      2. McComb et al 2001
        1. discriminating knowledge better in matriarches?
          1. bunching response to calls decreased with age
            1. older may have a larger social network
              1. alot more reactive to unfamiliar calls - individ recognition
                1. Bates et al 2007
                  1. found that females recognise 17 females and up to 30 family members
                  2. McComb et al 2001
                    1. showed that adult females must be familiar at least with up to 100 auditory calls
                      1. playback family and strangers
          2. Cognitive maps
            1. desert elephants move over long distances for food and water
              1. travel 60km between water holes
                1. elephants in north/south deserts travel hundreds kilometers to reach a water source shortly after the onset of rain
                  1. sometimes travelling along routes not used for a while
                    1. reliant on longterm memory of elephants that had travelled that way decades before
                      1. Foley, pettorelli and foley 2008
                        1. showed that older matriarch groups better able to survive a drought
                          1. drawing on knowldge of where long term drought resistant water sources are
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