Transport Through Membranes


National 5 Biology notes
Mind Map by N D, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by N D almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Transport Through Membranes
  1. Passive Transport
    1. Osmosis
      1. It is the movement of water molecules from an area of high water concentration to an area of low water concentration through a selectively permeable membrane
        1. Hypotontic
          1. Higher water concentration
            1. Plant: Turgid Animal: Burst
          2. Hypertonic
            1. lower water conentration
              1. Plant: Plasmolysed Animal: Shrunk
            2. Isotonic
              1. equal water concentration
                1. Plant: Normal Animal: Normal
            3. Diffusion
              1. The movement of a substance from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration down a concentration gradient
                1. Examples
                  1. Gas exchange for photosynthesis
                    1. Gas exchange at the avleoli
                    2. takes place in and out the cells
                  2. Active Transport
                    1. Requires energy to transport molecules against concentration gradient
                    2. Example of molecule that can't pass though the cell membrane
                      1. Startch
                      2. Example of molecule that can
                        1. Glucose
                        2. Selectively Permable
                          1. Allows passage of molecules according to size
                            1. If a molecule is too big to fit through the pore
                              1. Diffusion will not take place
                              2. If a molecule is small enough to fit through the pore
                                1. Diffusion across membrane
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