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Romantic Relationships
University Interpersonal Comunications Mind Map on Romantic Relationships, created by piperruhmkorff on 21/04/2014.
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interpersonal communication
comm studies
romantic relationships
chapter 9
interpersonal comunications
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
almost 11 years ago
Resource summary
Romantic Relationships
Affection: a sense of warmth & fondness
Respect:admiration for another person
Intimacy: a feeling of closeness and "union"
Caring: the concern you have for your partner's welfare
Attachment: a longing to be in your partner's presence
Romantic relationship: chosen interpersonal involvement forged through romantic communication
Perception: both partners perceive relationship as "romantic"
Diversity: romantic relationships are possible within many cultures
Choice: we choose partners as well as whether and how to maintain bond
Commitment: a strong psychological attachment to a partner and an intention to continue the relationship
Tensions: competing impulses between self and feelings towards others
Relational dialectics
Openness vs. Protection
Autonomy vs. Connection
Novelty vs. Predictibility
Communication: relationships are forged through IPC
Types of romantic love
Passionate love: intense emotional & physical longing for union with another
Companionate love: an intense form of liking defined by emotional investment and deeply intertwined lives
Storge: stable, predictable, rooted in friendship
Agape: patient, selfless, giving, and unconditional
Mania: intense, tumultuous, extreme, all-consuming
Pragma: logical, rational, founded in common sense
Ludus: uncommitted, fun, played like a game
Eros: sentimental, romantic, idealistic, committed
Sources of romantic attraction
Proximity: people feel more attracted to those with whom they have frequent contact
Mere exposure effect
Physical attractiveness: people feel drawn to those they perceive as beautiful
Beautiful-is-good effect
Similarity: we are attracted to those we view as similar to ourselves
Birds-of-a-feather effect
Reciprocal liking: knowing that the attraction is mutual
Resources: qualities in a partner
Social exchange theory
Relationship development & deterioration
Coming Together (IEIIB)
1) Initiating
2) Experimenting
3) Intensifying
4) Integrating
5) Bonding
Coming Apart (DCSAT)
1) Differentiating
2) Circumscribing
3) Stagnating
4) Avoiding
5) Terminating
Maintaining Romantic Relationships
Positivity: communicating in a cheerful and optimistic fashion
Assurances: messages that emphasize how much a partner means to you
Sharing tasks: taking mutual responsibility for chores
Acceptance: the feeling that lovers accept us for who we are
Self-disclosure: both partners feel that they can disclose information
Relationship talks: discussing the status of your relationship
Social networks: important members of the partners' social networks approve of the relationship
Issues related to romantic relationships
Sexual infidelity
Relational intrusion
Monitoring & controlling
Invasion of privacy
Dating violence
Isolation from others
Use power to control you
Various threats
Emotionally abusive language
Shift blame to you
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