Nicholas II


A-Levels History - Russia Mind Map on Nicholas II, created by Gemma Bradford on 08/05/2013.
Gemma Bradford
Mind Map by Gemma Bradford, updated more than 1 year ago
Gemma Bradford
Created by Gemma Bradford almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Nicholas II
  1. 1894-1917
    1. Nicholas did not want to/able to be the Tsar
      1. 'Weak in intellect and in character'
        1. 'I am not prepared to be Tsar'
        2. Sergei Witte
          1. 4 Part plan
            1. Gold currency
              1. Tariff on foreign loans
                1. Lower tax + wages
                2. Appointed finance minister 1892 under Alexander
                  1. Economy
                    1. Russia became largest cereal exporter
                      1. Increased work on trans-siberian railway
                        1. Economy grew by 8.5% per year
                          1. Increase in military production
                            1. Employment doubled from 1890-1914
                              1. Increase in foreign investment
                                1. 1890-1900 200-900 million
                                  1. Long term debt
                                  2. Increased taxation on peasants
                                  3. Dismissed in 1903
                                    1. Social
                                      1. Tran-siberian railway increased communications
                                        1. Population growth in cities
                                          1. Poor living and working conditions
                                            1. Doubled
                                            2. Social unrest
                                              1. Neglected under Witte's economic reforms
                                              2. Political
                                                1. Rose to 5th in European powers
                                                  1. Growth in radical opposition
                                                    1. Neglected under Witte's economic reforms
                                                  2. Stolypin
                                                    1. Cheif minister 1906-11
                                                      1. Political
                                                        1. Closed newspapers and trade unions
                                                          1. Issued 1144 death sentences 1906-7 for terroist attacks
                                                            1. Convicted 16500 people of political crimes
                                                              1. 1908 Political assassinations fell to 365
                                                                1. Attacked revolutionary activity
                                                                  1. Known for 'neck tie'
                                                                    1. For executing so many people
                                                                  2. Social
                                                                    1. Law of November 1906
                                                                      1. Freed peasants from control of commune
                                                                      2. 1905-1915 Peasant ownership of land rose by 30%
                                                                        1. 1906-1913 Agricultural production rose from 45.9 - 61.7 million tonnes
                                                                          1. 1907 Redemption payments abolished
                                                                            1. Peasant land bank instructed to give loans to those wanting to leave commune
                                                                              1. Encouraged peasants to move to underdeveloped agricultural land by government loans
                                                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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