Ayman the swimmer


Mind Map on Ayman the swimmer, created by satanay barsbai on 25/02/2017.
satanay barsbai
Mind Map by satanay barsbai, updated more than 1 year ago
satanay barsbai
Created by satanay barsbai about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Ayman the swimmer
  1. Shoulder joint
    1. anatomy
      1. shoulder bones
        1. shoulder muscles
          1. rotator cuff
          2. vascular supply
            1. brachial plexus
            2. physiology
              1. Flexsion Extension Abduction Adduction Medial-Rotation Lateral-Rotation Circumduction
            3. Injury of the shoulder
              1. most common shoulder injuries
                1. swimmer's shoulder syndrome (Impingement syndrome)
                  1. Swimmer's-Shoulder Dislocation Separation Rotator cuff tear Frozen shoulder fracture
                  2. natural history
                    1. Result from acute trauma (ACUTE INJURIES) or repetitive stress associated with athletic activities (CHRONIC INJURIES).
                    2. Physical and clinical examination
                      1. special tests
                        1. Inspection Palpation Movement
                          1. X-Rays, CT Scan Medical-Diagnostic-Imaging Labs and diagnostic tests
                          2. Management
                            1. PRICE Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression Elevation
                            2. treatment
                              1. Physiotherapy
                                1. alternative treatment
                                  1. electroputic modalities laser acupuncture
                                2. Psychological effect
                                3. Sports injuries
                                  1. Sports medicine
                                    1. helping people improve their athletic performance, recover from injury and prevent future injuries.
                                    2. prevention
                                      1. stretching
                                        1. Improves flexibility and range of motion
                                      2. Types
                                        1. Acute
                                          1. Contact injuries Ligament sprains Muscle strains Dislocations/ sublaxation Fractures Nerve injuries
                                            1. Muscle Strains: Grade I, II, III
                                          2. Chronic
                                            1. Overuse tendon injuries Chronic muscle strains Bursitis, Osteoarthritis Stress fractures
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