HRM Recruitment and Selection


(HRM) Mind Map on HRM Recruitment and Selection, created by budhaswe on 30/04/2014.
Mind Map by budhaswe, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by budhaswe over 10 years ago

Resource summary

HRM Recruitment and Selection
  1. Job analysis
    1. broad statement of the purpose, scope, duties and responsibilities
      1. job title, department, location, main tasks, rewards and conditions
      2. Job Description
        1. (Russo et al 1996)
          1. MBO (Management By Objectives)
            1. S.M.A.R.T
              1. Smart.Measurable.Acheivable.Realistic.Timely
            2. Job Content
              1. Who you are reporting to.
              2. 4 Requirments
                1. Match job description
                  1. Detailed Requirments
                    1. Differentiable between candidates
                      1. ssess whether a candidate meets the specification
              3. Person Specification
                1. KSAs
                  1. Where to reqruit
                    1. Vroom´s Expectancy Theory. E-.P-> PO
                  2. Recruitment phase
                    1. aims at attracting a pool of suitable applicants
                      1. Internal Reqruitment
                        1. Existing employees
                          1. Self Applicants
                            1. Manager Recommendations
                        2. External Reqruitment
                          1. Head-hunters
                            1. Universities
                          2. newspaper/word of mouth/monster
                            1. Attract suitable applicants
                              1. Deter unsuitable applicants
                                1. Positive image of the company
                            2. Pfeffer-> targeting selection, performance gaps
                              1. Connection to Performance Mgmt
                              2. Selection Phase
                                1. validity & Reliability of selection methods
                                  1. Validity
                                    1. Does the selection method what it is supposed to measure
                                    2. Suitability
                                      1. How well the candidates KSAs Match job requirments
                                      2. Reliability
                                        1. Would others select the same candidate
                                          1. Test and re-test and still get the same results
                                      3. Reliability of Selection
                                        1. Errors and biases
                                          1. Stereotyping
                                            1. Horns/Halo effect
                                          2. Structured interviews
                                            1. Detailed Job Analysis
                                          3. Good Fit Intro
                                            1. Morley 2007
                                              1. KSA
                                              2. Planning
                                                1. Bridging corporate plans and needs with HR
                                              3. Best practice
                                                1. role specification
                                                  1. Identifying suitable candidates.
                                                    1. Applicant filtering
                                                      1. Applicant screening
                                                        1. Face to face interviews
                                                          1. Review & Feedback
                                                            1. in-depth interviews
                                                              1. preferred candidate offer
                                                                1. Keep candidate updated until start.
                                                2. Forecasting
                                                  1. Human resources forecasting involves projecting labor needs and the effects they’ll have on a business.
                                                    1. Renewal or pull Internally
                                                      1. Changes with environmental changes
                                                        1. Wastage, Absenteeism, Profile
                                                          1. W.A.P
                                                        2. Critique
                                                          1. training costs
                                                            1. supervisory problems
                                                              1. turnover rates
                                                                1. Low utilization of human potential
                                                                2. Adams Equity theory/ fair treatment
                                                                  Show full summary Hide full summary


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