diseases revision 13/3/17


Year 9, 10, 11 Biology Mind Map on diseases revision 13/3/17, created by Ashley Hadfield on 17/03/2017.
Ashley Hadfield
Mind Map by Ashley Hadfield, updated more than 1 year ago
Ashley Hadfield
Created by Ashley Hadfield almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

diseases revision 13/3/17
  1. Measles
    1. is a virus
      1. prevented through a measles/mumps/rubella vaccine
        1. treatment= water, paracetamol, ibuprofen
          1. spread through the droplets in the air
            1. symptoms


              • Runny nose, sneezing, cough, sore, red eyes, high temperature, spots, rash.
            2. malaria
              1. is a protist
                1. spread through mosquito bites
                  1. prevention = kill the mosquitos
                    1. treatment = antimalarial tablets
                      1. symptoms


                        • high temperature, head aches, sweats, chills, vomiting, fever.
                      2. Gonorrhoea
                        1. is a bacteria
                          1. is a sexually transmitted disease
                            1. prevention = contraception
                              1. treatment = antibiotic injection
                                1. symptoms


                                  • thick yellow/ green discharge from the penis/ vagina, pain when urinating.
                                2. HIV
                                  1. is a virus
                                    1. spread through bodily fluids
                                      1. std
                                      2. prevention = contraception/ clean needles
                                        1. treatment= antiretroviral drugs
                                          1. symptoms
                                            1. flu like symptoms
                                          2. salmonella
                                            1. is a bacteria
                                              1. spreads through eating uncooked food
                                                1. prevention = ensure food is cooked
                                                  1. treatment = antibiotics, liquids
                                                    1. symptoms


                                                      • Fever, cramps, vomiting, diarrhea
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