Recruitment and selection


martha muñoz
Mind Map by martha muñoz, updated more than 1 year ago
martha muñoz
Created by martha muñoz over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Recruitment and selection
  1. Selection
    1. Effectiveness of interviews
      1. Selection tests
        1. Interviewing
          1. Effectiveness of tests
            1. Personality tests
              1. Assessment centres
                1. Reference checks
                2. Recruitment
                  1. Does a vacancy exist?
                    1. The recruitment strategy
                      1. Conduct a job analysis
                        1. Which recruitment techniques should a company use?
                          1. Advantages of online recruitment
                            1. Disadvantages of online recruitment
                            2. Shortlisting
                              1. Application form
                                1. Biodata inventories
                                  1. Job previews
                                    1. Drug screening
                                      1. Graphology
                                        1. Online tests
                                          1. Curriculum vitae or résumé
                                          2. The importance of recruitment and selection
                                            1. Factors that should be taken into account when you are recruiting and selecting
                                            2. Is there an ideal, or ‘one best way’ approach to final selection?
                                              1. questions
                                                1. interview
                                                  1. Minimum cost
                                                  2. A reminder of your learning outcomes
                                                    1. Explain why recruitment and selection is an important issue
                                                      1. Describe the recruitment process
                                                        1. Compare the different recruitment methods and ways of evaluating
                                                          1. Comparing the effectiveness of different selection methods
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