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Stalin's Russia
A-Levels History - Russia Mind Map on Stalin's Russia, created by Gemma Bradford on 11/05/2013.
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history - russia
history - russia
Mind Map by
Gemma Bradford
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Gemma Bradford
almost 12 years ago
Resource summary
Stalin's Russia
Great Terror
Show trials to rid old Bolsheviks
Those who knew Lenin's testament
Acted as a deterrent
Zinoviev and kamenev and Bukharin shot
Tortured Trotsky's former allies
Purge of army
10% of adult males sent to Gulags
5% of women arrested
1937-38 1.5 million people executed
Stalin blamed Yezhov and Beria
Purge of Jews
Prisoniers of war returned to country of origin
Acted as spies
Purge of red army
Due to defeats
1000 Leningrad party members sacked
Stalin convinced that his Doctor was against him
Arrested him and 30 top Doctors
1941 Purge of military intelligence
Those sympathetic to Germans exiled
Ethnic groups exiled to Siberia
Showed Stalin's paranoia
5 Year Plans
Declared ahead of schedule
Emphasis on heavy industry
Plans drawn up by GOSPLAN
Huge industrial centres constructed
First 5 year plan
October 1928-32
Heavy industry at consumer expense
Economy grew 14% per year
Education reform
Improved living standards
Harsh labour discipline
Poor quality goods
Second 5 year plan
Emphasis on communications and electricity
Wage increase
Agricultural reforms
Peasants allowed small private farming lots
Lying about figures
Social inequalities
Outlawed private shoe production
Third 5 year plan
Emphasis on rearmment and economy
International passports
Chaotically planned
So used terror
Resources for defence
Machine tractor stations hired and maintained machinery
Had political department to spy on peasants to ensure order
Collective farms had to deliver quotas of grain
Unrealistic targets
Sold to towns
Became largest cereal exporter
50-100 Households put together
Tools, land and animals combined on farms
Stalin planned to merge collective farms - Kolkhoz
Kulaks and families shot or exiled to Siberia
Collectivisation stops March 1930
Collectivisation resumed 1931
10 million deaths to famines
Workers got no wages
Given work days
Profits divided up according to number of workdays
State provided tractors and fertilisers to modernise production
Punishment for sabotage and failings to meet targets
Dekulakisation 1929
Peasants can use their own resources
Disregarded human suffering
Propaganda and Arts
Paintings, novels and history books used to glorify Stalin
Stalin's role in early communist days emphasised
Portraits present Stalin as God like
Like Tsars
Stalin showed like Lenin
Erased Trotsky for party history
His role in October revolution
Photos altered
Communists purged were removed from Soviet art/history
Socialist realist paintings
Music joyous and positive
3 Songs about Lenin
New Soviet art
Party/national spirit
New thinking
Film under control of Politburo
Pre censored film scripts
State control over literature and art
Stalin's childhood home becomes a shrine
Stalin's image reassured people through first 5 year plan purges
Stalin's cult focused on achievements of the regime
Stalin kept his personal life very private
Stalin portrayed alongside Lenin
Emphasis on teaching history of great Russians
Party and trade unions offered grants and scholarships
Communist party children favoured
Teaching influenced by 5 year plan methods
Traditional teaching and disciplinary methods
Emphasis on strict discipline
Children taught to respect their parents and Soviets
Financial rewards for women with large families
Abortions led to 2 years imprisonment
Women responsible for household
Married party members given spacious accomodation
1937 91% men married, 82% women married
1934 Campaign promoting sexual abstinence
Medical virginity checks on young women
1936 Divorce made more complex and expensive
Soviets punished men who had deserted their wives
No contraception available
Decline in birth rate
1936 Incest, bigamy, adultery and homosexuality recriminalised
1936 Wedding rings reintroduced
3-13 million women employed
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