Tectonics 1


AS level Geography Mind Map on Tectonics 1, created by Dana Davies on 08/04/2017.
Dana Davies
Mind Map by Dana Davies, updated more than 1 year ago
Dana Davies
Created by Dana Davies almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Tectonics 1
  1. 1912: Alfred Wegener proposed Pangaea (continental drift)
    1. geological, climatological and biological evidence
      1. Africa and South America fit together
        1. similar fossil remains on each continent
          1. coal reserves in antartica
          2. which split into Gondwanaland and Laurasia
          3. Composition of the Earth
            1. Crust
              1. Oceanic
                1. heavier, denser, younger, non-permanent
                  1. e.g Basalt
                2. Continental
                  1. older, lighter, permanent
                    1. e.g Granite
                3. Mantle
                  1. Nickel and Iron
                    1. 3,000km
                      1. 1,000 degrees
                      2. Outer Core
                        1. Nickel and Iron
                          1. Liquid = heat
                          2. Inner Core
                            1. Nickel and Iron
                              1. Solid = pressure
                            2. Convection currents
                              1. 1000 degrees + mantle rocks are heated
                                1. Rise up to cool surface
                                  1. They cool, go sideways and back down
                                2. Ridge push
                                  1. Plates at spreading centres
                                    1. Hot material spews through gaps
                                      1. ridge formation
                                        1. as gravity pulls it down so more material flows out
                                        2. elevated temp lowes density so it rises in the mantle
                                    2. Slab Pull
                                      1. Plates at subduction zones
                                        1. lower temp makes plate denser than mantle
                                          1. the crust is pulled (subducted) into the mantle
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