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The problems of evil and suffering
GCSE R.E Mind Map on The problems of evil and suffering, created by Lara Coffin on 12/05/2013.
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Mind Map by
Lara Coffin
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Lara Coffin
almost 12 years ago
Resource summary
The problems of evil and suffering
The problem of suffering
It is a problem for theists because they believe God to be benevolent, omniscient and omnipotent
Key words
Benevolent - all-loving
Omniscient - all-knowing
Omnipotent - all-powerful
Questions for believers
If he is all-loving, why does God let people suffer?
Knowledge has responsibility, why doesn't he stop suffering?
Why does God let innocent people suffer (e.g. children)
If God is all-powerful, why doesn't he stop suffering?
Reasons for suffering
Man-made suffering
Suffering caused as a result of peoples actions
People have free will they choose how to act
Natural suffering
Suffering caused by natural events
Why did God create a planet with natural disasters?
Does it have a purpose?
It makes us appreciate the things that we have
It can make you a better, stronger person
It is a test of faith
It could be punishment for sin
Could be part of God's plan
Pain tells you that something is wrong so that you can solve it
Are there evil actions or evil people?
An evil act is deliberate cruelty done with full knowledge that it is wrong
Religious explanations and responses to suffering
The three poisons (ignorance, greed and hatred) cause suffering
Follow the eightfold path to stop suffering
Believe in middle way, the balance between wealth and poverty
God gave free will
Suffering is punishment for sin
Story of Adam and Eve shows the consequences of free will
'Love your neighbour as yourself'
The result of sinful actions in past lives
They practice devotion, self-control, knowledge and understanding
Is their duty to help those in need
Selfish behaviour causes suffering
People reap what they sow
The langar in the gurdwara serves two meals a day to any vistior
Allah gave Adam the world to look after
He gave humans free will, it is a test
They give a percentage of their earnings to those who suffer
Adam and Eve brought suffering into the world by eating the forbidden fruit
Charity is a duty from God
Nature of evil
Impersonal force
Evil is an impersonal force that causes people to do wrong
Like a magnet that draws people towards evil
Psychological phenominon
Evil comes from the human mind
It could be affected by their upbringing
Personal being
The devil or Iblis is seen as someone who tricks people into doing evil
Problem of evil
Evil is a problem for theists because it causes suffering and leads back to the argument of why God would create a world with suffering and evil
God gave people free will
If God is all powerful, why can't he stop people from doing evil?
Religious explanations and responses to evil
Caused by people's selfish desires
They practice to avoid evil thoughts
It forbids; killing, stealing, lying, misusing the senses, and drugs and alchol
Adam and Eve caused evil through disobedience
'Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us'
God created everything, including evil
Satan represents people who stray from the path of righteousness and faith
Evil can be overcome by obedience to God
Evil is part of the samsara cycle
Rama and Sita tells the story of how good triumphs over evil
They meditate to gain control of their bodies and minds
God created humankind, humans are not evil by nature, just ignorant and self-centred
They practice selfless service and put God at the centre of their lives
Allah created a perfect world, Iblis ruined this world by tempting Adam and Hawa to disobey Allah
They live by the five pillars
The Qur'an teaches Muslims to stand up for what is right
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