Fatty Acid Metabolism


Mind Map on Fatty Acid Metabolism, created by Chinazor Okeke on 17/04/2017.
Chinazor Okeke
Mind Map by Chinazor Okeke, updated more than 1 year ago
Chinazor Okeke
Created by Chinazor Okeke over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Fatty Acid Metabolism
  1. Fatty acid degradation
    1. Occurs via oxidation
      1. 1. Oxidation at the aB bond to a 2x bond
        1. 2. Hydration of the aB double bond, with -OH added to the Beta Carbon
          1. 3. Oxidation of the B hydroxyl group to a ketone/carbonyl
            1. 4. Cleavage at the alpha carbon between two carbonyls via thiolysis.
      2. Fatty acid synthesis
        1. 1. Condensation of the malonyl CoA and acetyl CoA
          1. 2. Reduction of the Beta ketone closest to the alkyl chain
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