Children Act 1989


Social Work (Law - Children) Mind Map on Children Act 1989, created by Alanna Pearson on 06/05/2017.
Alanna Pearson
Mind Map by Alanna Pearson, updated more than 1 year ago
Alanna Pearson
Created by Alanna Pearson over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Children Act 1989
  1. Section 1
    1. 1(1) Paramouncy principle


      • Welfare of the child should be the court's paramount consideration
      1. 1(2) No delay principle
        1. 1(3) Welfare checklist
          1. 1(5) No order principle
          2. Section 3
            1. Defines parental responsibility
            2. Section 17
              1. 17(1) LA duty re: children in need
                1. 17(10) Defines child in need
                2. Section 20
                  1. Provision of accommodation
                  2. Section 31
                    1. 31(1)(a) Care Order


                      • Places child under Local Authoruty care, with shared parental responsibility, Further explained in Section 33
                      1. 31(1)(b) Supervision Order


                        • Places child under supervision of the Local Authority for an initial 1 year period, extended up to 3 years. Explained further in Section 35
                      2. Section 14
                        1. Special Guardianship Order
                        2. Section 8
                          1. 8(1) Child Arrangement Order


                            • Regulates who a child lives with/has contact with
                            1. 8(1) Prohibited Steps Order


                              • Restricts certain actions associated with parental responsibility
                              1. 8(1) Specific Issue Order


                                • Determines a specific question which relates to the parental responsibility of a child
                              2. Section 43
                                1. Child Assessment Order


                                  • Requires a child to be assessed where there are suspicions but no evidence of significant arm
                                2. Section 44
                                  1. Emergency Protection Order


                                    • Local Authority acquired parental responsibilty for 8 days, where there is immediate risk of significant harm
                                  2. Section 47
                                    1. Duty to investigate


                                      • Local Authority has a duty to investigate where there is cause to suspect that a child is at risk of suffering significant harm.
                                    2. Section 46
                                      1. Emergency police protection
                                      2. Section 4
                                        1. Acquisition of parental responsibility
                                        2. Section 66
                                          1. Private fostering
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