C.T. Revision


A level CT Mind Map on C.T. Revision, created by Robin M on 14/05/2013.
Robin M
Mind Map by Robin M, updated more than 1 year ago
Robin M
Created by Robin M over 11 years ago

Resource summary

C.T. Revision
  1. Argument
    1. Indicators
      1. Reason
        1. Conclusion
          1. Evidence
            1. Counter Argument
            2. Key Terms
              1. Claim
                1. Reason
                  1. Conclusion
                    1. Opinion
                      1. Explanation
                        1. Principle
                          1. Counter-Argument
                            1. Evidence
                              1. Is it...
                                1. Relevent?
                                  1. Representative?
                                    1. Reliable?
                                      1. Ambiguous?
                                        1. Selective?
                                        2. Can be...
                                          1. Statistical data
                                            1. Estimates
                                              1. Factual claims
                                                1. Personal observations
                                                  1. Statements
                                                2. Assumption
                                                  1. Counter-Claim
                                                  2. Made of...
                                                    1. Conclusion (C)
                                                      1. Intermediate (IC1, IC2 etc)
                                                      2. Reasons (R1, R2 etc)
                                                        1. Relevent?
                                                          1. Can be...
                                                            1. Definition
                                                              1. Principle
                                                                1. Claim
                                                                2. Link to Conclusion?
                                                                3. Attempt to persuade
                                                                  1. Evidence (Ev)
                                                                    1. Examples
                                                                      1. Hypothetical Reasons
                                                                        1. Counter-Argument (CA)
                                                                      2. Credibility
                                                                        1. Ability to perceive
                                                                          1. Eye witness?
                                                                            1. Hearsay?
                                                                            2. Corroboration and Consistency
                                                                              1. Neutrality?
                                                                                1. Bias
                                                                                  1. Vested interest
                                                                                    1. Motive?
                                                                                    2. Expertise
                                                                                      1. Skills
                                                                                        1. Training
                                                                                          1. Relevent?
                                                                                          2. Reputation
                                                                                            1. Plausibility
                                                                                            2. Appeals
                                                                                              1. to Tradition
                                                                                                1. to History
                                                                                                  1. to Emotion
                                                                                                    1. to Popularity
                                                                                                      1. to Authority
                                                                                                      2. Flaws
                                                                                                        1. Ad Hominem
                                                                                                          1. Straw Person
                                                                                                            1. Cause and Effect
                                                                                                              1. Correlation and Cause
                                                                                                                1. Circular Argument
                                                                                                                  1. Conflation
                                                                                                                    1. Sweeping Generalisation
                                                                                                                      1. Hasty Generalisation
                                                                                                                        1. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions
                                                                                                                          1. Slippery Slope
                                                                                                                            1. Tu Quoque
                                                                                                                              1. "Two Wrongs Dinnae Make A Right, Pal"
                                                                                                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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