Human Digestive System


NCEA Level 1 Biology (Mammals as Consumers) Mind Map on Human Digestive System, created by J. Po on 18/05/2017.
J. Po
Mind Map by J. Po, updated more than 1 year ago
J. Po
Created by J. Po over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Human Digestive System
  1. General Terms
    1. Digestion
      1. The physical and chemical process by which food is broken down into smaller, soluble molecules that can be absorbed into the bloodstream
        1. Physical digestion
          1. The mechanical action of teeth, jaw and muscle movement
            1. Mouth
              1. Mastication
                1. Chewing using teeth and jaw movement
              2. Muscle
                1. Peristalsis
                  1. Oesophagus
                    1. Small intestine
                    2. Contractions in stomach wall
                    3. Other
                      1. Small intestine
                        1. Bile emulsifying fat
                    4. Breakdown of large food molecules into smaller molecules
                      1. Increases surface area
                        1. Increases efficiency of chemical digestion
                    5. Chemical digestion
                      1. Action of enzymes and gastric juices
                        1. Mouth
                          1. Amylase enzyme
                          2. Stomach
                            1. Gastric fluids
                            2. Small intestine
                              1. Pancreatic juice
                      2. Enzymes
                        1. Complex proteins folded into specific shapes
                          1. Have an active site
                            1. Only fits a specific substrate
                          2. Helps break down large food molecules into smaller, soluble molecules that can be absorbed into the bloodstream by catalysing chemical reactions in the digestive system
                        2. Mouth
                          1. Stomach
                            1. Lined with gastric pits
                              1. Produces gastric fluids
                                1. Hydrochloric acid (HCl)
                                  1. Acidic (pH 1-2)
                                  2. Mucus
                                    1. Protects stomach lining from corrosive nature of the HCl
                                    2. Pepsin
                                      1. A protease
                                        1. Catalyses the breakdown of proteins into polypeptides
                                          1. Liquifies the food into chyme
                                            1. Semi digested food
                                  3. Large, elastic walls
                                    1. Can hold 2-4 L of food
                                      1. Meal can be ingested quickly and digested slowly
                                      2. Muscular contractions of stomach walls
                                        1. Churns food
                                          1. Thoroughly incorporates food with gastric fluids
                                      3. Small Intestine
                                        1. Large Intestine
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