
UNIT 21 Mind Map on MIGRANT WORKERS, created by Jen Collins on 15/05/2013.
Jen Collins
Mind Map by Jen Collins, updated more than 1 year ago
Jen Collins
Created by Jen Collins over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. from 1955 onwards was influx of migrant workers in NHS
    1. David Owens: key reason was economic expansion and reconstruction
      1. By end 1970's had developed a multi national/multi racial wrk force
        1. reflected globilisation of labour market in H/C workers
    2. NURSES
      1. Carribean and S/E Asia
        1. worked as SEN as opposed to SRN
      2. medics
        1. India, Pakistan, Africa
          1. COE and Mental Health
          2. Desire to work in acute teaching hosp didn't happen
              1. as G.P's worked in most deprived areas in Britain
                1. Can be argued that via racial and ethnic discrimination that NHS succeeded in keeping migrant workers in the postions not wanted by indigenous workers
                  1. demonstartes the power and influence held by medics


                    • ties in with power of medics in formation of NHS, Bevan said he had to stuff their mouths with gold
            1. NHS able to gain from training migrant workers had already been given
              1. Was a net t/f to U.K of resources spent training staff in poorer countries
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