Supplementary vote


A - Level Government and Politics (AS) Mind Map on Supplementary vote, created by Yasmine King on 03/06/2017.
Yasmine King
Mind Map by Yasmine King, updated more than 1 year ago
Yasmine King
Created by Yasmine King over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Supplementary vote
  1. How it works
    1. Used to elect a single person ie a major or a president
      1. The voter gets two votes, a first and then a second/supplementary.
        1. If no one initially gets 50%. Then all but the top get eliminated and votes are distributed by the 2nd vote
        2. Where it is used
          1. The London mayoral elections
          2. Advantages
            1. It is simpler than AV, so would be easier for voters to understand and use
              1. The candidate is likely to have over 50%
                1. The focus on gaining second preferences means that conciliatory campaigning is encouraged. There is a more to consensus
                2. Disadvantages
                  1. Candidate does not need to have 50% to win so lacks the mandate unlike AV
                    1. Some people find the ballot paper confusing. Spoilt West Midlands PCC ballot papers 2016
                      1. Favours the larger parties the 2nd choice usually is between labour and the conservatives
                        1. Could make all the parties too similar
                          1. Only favours better representation if there is a strong third party
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