the changing landscapes of the UK key revision points


mind map with colours to help you
krishi patel
Mind Map by krishi patel, updated more than 1 year ago
krishi patel
Created by krishi patel over 7 years ago

Resource summary

the changing landscapes of the UK key revision points
  1. rock types
    1. sedimentary
      1. rock formations
        1. formed in layers
          1. chalk is formed by dead sea creatures being compacted on the sea bed
            1. many are formed from weathered or eroded rock debris that has been transported and deposited.
              1. the deposited rock build up in layers called segments
                1. the weight of the sediments cause the layers at the bottom to become compacted , forming rocks such as sandstone
                2. rock charasteristics
                  1. have layers
                    1. often contain fossils
                      1. great variety of colour
                        1. made up of rounded grains pushed toghether
                          1. made of particles that may be the same size or vary
                          2. uk locations
                            1. sandstone is found in the south-west of England , the west of England bordering Wales and parts of northern ireland
                              1. chalk is mainly found in the east and south-east of England
                            2. metamorphic
                              1. igneous
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