Christianity: Beliefs and Teachings


Note on Christianity: Beliefs and Teachings, created by Michela Felice on 14/09/2017.
Michela  Felice
Note by Michela Felice, updated more than 1 year ago
Michela  Felice
Created by Michela Felice about 7 years ago

Resource summary

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Key concepts: OMNINEVOLENT- God is all-loving and infinitely good. OMNIPOTENT-God is all-powerful, almighty. TRINITY- God the father, son and holy spirit. INCARNATION- God becoming human in the form of Jesus. ATONEMENT- The belief that Jesus' death on the cross healed the rift between humans and god. RESURRECTION- The belief that Jesus rose from the dead  Easter Sunday , conquering death.   what is god like according to Christians? OMNIPOTENT- ALL POWERFUL OMNIPRESENT- EVERYWHERE OMNISCIENT- ALL KNOWING OMNIBEVOLENT- ALL LOVING TRANSCENDENT- beyond the laws of time and nature, outside of this world,. IMMANENT- outside of this world BUT operates within this world. god is seen as the creator of the universe. humans are made in an image that no other creature is- humans are made in the image of god- humans have a special relationship with god that no other creature has.  this SPIRiTUAL NATURE enables all humans to have some understanding of God's nature. god became human in Jesus - INCARNATION - to help rescue mankind from sin and separation from God. Why is there evil and suffering? / "if god exists then people shouldn't suffer"? suffering is part of the fabric of life. there are two types of evil 1- moral evil (manmade) 2-natural evil (nature) this is a problem for believers as inconsitant triad says god is all loving, all powerful and all knowing then why does he let this happen. how do believers reconcile this problem?   cause of suffering - freewill and - Adam and eve  good new we are not puppets, bad news by having freewill it can lead to wrong choices which causes suffering  it is the fabric of life so must be apart of God's plan purpose of suffering "soul making" John HICK - it brings us closer to God just as gold and silver, must go through the most intense heat make it as pure as possible, suffering is a mechanism that refines humans. helping them appreciate what is good in life.  provide spiritual growth and development- it makes our soul stronger-soul making  brings us closer to god it is a test a job we may never understand his plan we have to accept it but never lose faith in god. deal with it in a positive way. suffering is seen as a test. the father, the son and the the holy spirit   FATHER- caring, loving,personal relationship between humans and god. also refers to all-powerful and all-knowing. THE SON- incarnation- god became human in Jesus. God has revealed the true nature of God. THE HOLY SPIRIT- guides , comforts,encourages and provides inspiration to christian lives Christians believe they are in the presence of the spirit. Whereas some Christians believe that the holy spirit enables people to speak in tongues- different languages so that they can spread the gospel.  What is in the APOSTLES CREED? CRRED- statement of belief. contains he most important christian beliefs about the nature og god. the apostles creed is recited on Sunday worship, special occasions. what are the most important beliefs in the apostles creed? God is an all-powerful creator Jesus Christ was born of the virgin Mary by the power of the holy spirit Jesus was crucified,buried and rose from the dead and ascended to heaven. There will be a judgement day when god will judge how each person has lived their life. There is one holy and universal church. God will forgive our sins. There will be resurrection of the body and an eternal afterlife. Resurrection has two distinct meanings: It is used to refer to the Christian belief that Jesus rose from the dead after his death and burial It is used to refer to the idea that the human soul lives on after death and in the resurrection on judgement day.                                                                      

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Creation  How was thee universe and earth made? Many people believe the scienctific explanations, such as the big bang. The big bang is the idea that about 13 million years ago all matter was cocentrated at a single point singularity.A huge explosion that esulted into the world, For all christians it is important that God is the creator of the universe. They believ that whatever the exact procss was that created the universe, God is the overall architect of that creation. It is the spirt of God whch is the source of all life and creation.   The creation story: key events creation of the universe  creation of the earth  creation of mankinf- Adam and Eve teh temptation of Adam and Eve the fall of mankind from grace Genesis 1 " In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the SPIRIT OF GOD was HOVERING over the waters."   DAY 1  GOD CREATED NIGHT AND DAY- SAW THAT IT WAS GOOD    DAY 2  GOD CREATED THE HEAVENS - SAW THAT IT WAS GOOD   DAY 3 GOD CREATED LAND AND PLANTS-SAW IT WAS GOOD.   DAY 4 GOD CREATED THE SUN, MOON AND STARS- SAW IT WAS GOOD.   DAY 5  GOD CREATED BIRDS AND FISH- SAW THAT IT WAS GOOD.   DAY 6  GOD CREATED LIVING CREATURES AND HUMANS - SAW THAT IT WAS GOOD.   DAY 7 GOD RESTED.   GENESIS 2 Adam lives in paradise in the garden of Eden. God creates a companion for Adam from his rib called Eve.God gives Adam and Eve on command/rule is not to eat from the tree of knowledge that grows in the garden of Eden. This genesis creation story is clear that humankind is unique among God's creation s humans were created in God's image.   Genesis 3: The fall of mankind mankind made in the image of god but is sinful and in need of God's forgiveness.  god gave us (mankind) the responsibility of domination or power over the earth but this much be exercised through stewardship in god's behalf. the fall when Adam and Eve are tempted by Satan, in the form of a serpent, to eat from the tree of knowledge agisnt God's will, The serpent claims that God doesn't want them to eat from the tree of knowledge as they would be as knowledgeable as God They confess what they have done and as a punishment God sends them out of den and they have to live somewhere else on the earth. They are no longer allowed to eat from the tree of life, which has given them eternal life, so now which causes death and sin to enter our world. This is very important for Christians as it represents the point where the perfect relationship with god was broken.  Because of this most Christians believe that we are born with original sin, it was this that the need for Jesus  to die on the cross was he could pay for the human sin and restore the broken relationship with God. INTERPRETATIONS OF THE GENESIS CREATION STORY  Literalist  Some Christians accept the creation story word for word.   Non-literalist  Some Christians do not accept the creation story word for word as the story is not scientifically and logically correct. e.g- on day 1 god said let there be light however the light comes from the sun and the sun doesn't come until day4.   Interpretation  Non-literalist peel away the layers of the story tor reveal three important religious truths: God is the creator of all things. Humans have a special relationship with God made in god's image no other creature were. God gave humans dominion over the earth which is exercise through stewardship.    The word is in John's Gospel Where people get the reference that Jesus was present during the relation. Also that Jesus and God are one in the same - Jesus is God.   JESUS CHRIST Jesus have 4 key events in his life these are: INCARNATION (god becomes human in Jesus ). CRUCIFIXION and DEATH of Jesus  RESURRECTION of Jesus  Jeus' ASCENSION to heaven. INCARNATION Why do Christians believe that Jesus was God? The VIRGIN BIRTH - Mary was told by an Angel that she would give birth to Jesus. Whereas humans has sexual intercourse to conceive. She was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus.  In the gospels Jesus is often referred to as the SON OF GOD. In the John's Gospel JESUS described as being God. "The WORD BECAME FLESH". The ability to preform MIRACLES. The TRANSFIGURATION-Jesus appeared to the three senior Apostles with MOSES and ELIJAH. The RESURRECTION. The CRUCIFIXION The teachings of Jesus thought him conflict with the JEWISH authorities. The Jewish authorities viewed Jesus with suspicion and accused him of BLASPHEMY (showing a lack of respect for God) because he claimed to be able to FORGIVE SINS. His followers believed he was the MISSAH ( Appointed one) and this was seen as a challenge to the authorities, this led to the arrest and execution. Jewish authorities used this argument of him being the MESSIAH, Jesus was claiming to be king of the Jews was what TREASON. Key points  Jesus was executed by ROMANS The soldiers Mock Jesus and put a crown of thrones on him- A king needs a crown.  He was crucified at at place called GOLGOTHA - place of the skull. Two criminals  were crucified with him. Jesus is mocked by people of the crowd. Jesus prays while on the cross. Jesus dies on the cross. Crucified at 9AM,died at 3PM. Why is Jesus' suffering important or Christians ? Christians believe that Jesus was both humans and God. They believe that when he died on the cross he suffered like any other human. Jesus participates in the suffering of humanity and is is important to Christians because it means that GOD UNDERSTANDS human SUFFERING.  

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Salvation and Atonement  ATONEMENT: the belief that Jesus' death on the cross HEALED the BROKEN relationship between GOD and MANKIND.   Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge, destroyed the perfect relationship with god and mankind and introduced sin into the world. Some Christians believe that because of this we are born with original sin. The sins that people commit in there daily life take them further away from God. Christians believe that God became human in Jesus to REPAIR the broken relationship and that through his death he paid the the price and attoned our sins. This offers mankind SALVATION, which means they can live on for erternity with god in heaven after death. Before Jesus, the JEWS often used animal sacrifices to ATONE or make up for there sins they had committed. A lamb or goat. Jesus became the SACRIFICIAL LAMB to take upon himself he sins of the world.  His sacrifice meant that there was NO longer any need to sacrifice animals as he paid the price for human sin ONCE  and for ALL. The Last supper Why was the last supper an important event in the life of Jesus? Jesus was celebrating he Jewish PASSOVER festival with his disciples. But he gives this SHARED meal a new significance. He tells the disciples the BREAD they are eating represents his BODY and the WINE represents his BLOOD. He predicts his death on the cross and says sacrificing his body and blood, human sin will be forgiven. This quotation forms the basis of the euchsrist (holy communion). The passage also contains the PROMISE of ETERNAL LIFE in heaven.  PROPHET ISAIAH christians believe that suffering and death of Jesus was FORETOLD by Isaiah 700 years before Jesus was born. He wrote about the Messiah or suffering servent. ISAIAH'S PROPHESIES "Despised and rejected by mankind" "Was pierced for our trangressions" "He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth" "He was lead like a lamb to the slaughter"   JESUS' LIFE Rejected by the Jewish community and the Romans.  Nailed to the cross for our sins mentally a physically abused (flagrum), yet he did not say a word Carring his cross down the Via Dolorosa to Golgotha   THE RESURRECTION The belief taht Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday conquring death. The msot importnat event in christianty  The greatest miracle of all  Gospels all agree that on the Sunday following Jesus' crucifixion. some of Jesus followers went to his tombe.They found the stone rolled away and the body gone. What happened next? Jesus appeared to Mary and the eleven disciples ( Judas had killed himself). Paul, and apostle, also claims Jesus has appeared to him. Jesus appears on 11 occasions to more than 500 people. Important note The gospels in the new testament record these significant events in a similar, but not identical way. The ASCENSION After Jesus rode from the dead there are a few references in the Gospels to what Jesus did After a period of time the gospels record that Jesus ASCENDED to heaven. What does this mean ? Some Christians believe that Jesus physically acsended to heaven in a literal sense. Others believe that the description of Jesus physically rising up to heaven are just meant to be symbolic, showing that Jesus' time in human form on earth was over. For Christians this event marks the physical end of Jesus' presence on earth but marks the beginnig of Jesus' spirit at work in the world. Salvation  Law-bible why is the bible important? Sacred text or scripture 66 books inspired by God old testement written before the birth of Jesus new testement conatins the Gospels that tell us about Jesus the bible is a book f REVELATION -God is revealed bible is a record of DIVINE LAW - the law of God rules on how to live and treat others - provides GUIDENCE Accept word for word or a book of interpretaion ? Some christians accept the bible word for word - "word of God" Other christians believe the bible requires INTERPRETATION Some christians take a more liberal view, They don't believe that all the events it talks about actually happened, but they are symbolic stories that show us how God wants us to live. Sin: A sin is an immoral act that goes against the law of God. The bible links sinfulness with salvation. ORIGINAL SIN Some Christians believe that we are born  with original sin- the tendency to disobey God. Original sin came into this world as a result of the fall of Adam and Eve. Adam's sin has been past down from generation  to generation It is orignal sin that seperates humans from God. Some modern christians Identify problems with original sin. They believe it would be unfair for God to punih ALL humanity for an act commited by ONE man. Also, they take a non-literal interpretation of the bible and don't elieve the events of the fall actually happened. Even if it did happen as stated in the bible, it's hard biologically to explain how original sin is passed from one generation to the next. INTERPRETATION Modern Christians ow understand original sin to be a useful way of understaning that humans are PRONE to doing bad things aand acting in a way that is aganist God's law. SIN AND SALVATION Human sinflness SEPERATES humans from God. Christians believe that Jesus' death on the cross atoned for human sin and allowed them the hope of SALVATION ( a chance to live with God for eternity after death). How do christians achieve salvation? Different ideas about how they can achieve salvation Roman Catholics believe that taking part in the sacraments they will go to heaven. Protestants believe that they Must have Faith in Jesus and REPENT their sins to achieve salvation. GRACE AND SPIRIT In order to help christians live a goof life God has sent them the HOLY SPIRIT to bring them GRACE. The upernatural gidt to GRACE means that christians are able to pray for help from GOD. Many Christians believe n the special RITES called sacraments (Baptism, holy communion-eucharist) here the Holy Spirit comes down upon them when these sacraments are preformed. Some Christians believe in ' faith healing', where the holy spirit works in miraculous ways to heal people. THE AFTERLIFE Eschalogical Beliefs ESCHALOGICAL refers to beliefs bout death, judgement, heaven and hell.   Christianity and the afterlife Christians believe in life after death- this belief is cenral to christianity. Christians relieve that Jesus came back to life after his death. There are a number of references in the New Testament concerning ESCHALOGICAL beliefs and the afterlife. Belief  the AFTERLIFE is stated in the APOSTELS CREED and the NICINE CREED. "I look for thee resurrection of the dead and of the life of the world to come."   Why is the story of the crucifixion and the resurrection so important? Important because it provides christians with EVIDENCE that death is NOT the end although physical bodies die, our SOUL lives on. The CROSS is symbolic of both DEATH and RESURRECTION. THE GOSPEL OF JOHN Often referred to as the 'eschatological gospel' as there are frequent references to the AFTERLIFE. In ONE account, Jesus raises a man called LAZARUS from the dead.  Christians see this MIRACLE  as a SIGN of his power over death. Jesus said that anyone who believes in him will never die "I am the resurrection and the life.". Jesus described heaven as his Father's house with many rooms. Jesus said he would prepare is palce for his followers Follow Jesus and you will find heaven. " I am the way and the truth and the life... no one comes to the father except through me". JUDGEMENT Christians believe that there will be a JUDGEMENT DAY when people will be judged by God for the QUALITY of their LIVES. Christians believe that on the day Jesus will return to earth in a "SECOND COMING" - this will mark the END of human existance on the earth. This belief is also know as the PAROUSIA. It is described in the PARABLE OF THE SHEEP AND GOATS - those who  have looked for opportunities to help others will be on the RIGHT, they will be the sheep. They will go to heaven. Those who have not helped others will be LEFT, they are the goats. They will go to Hell. What about those who have already died? The APOSTLES CREED states that God "Shall come to judge the living and the dead". People shall be BODLY  resurrected on this day bu they will transformed into a GLORIOUS STATE. Illness, pain and death will no longer exist- The world will be purified of SIN.

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What must you do to go to heaven? The quality and goodness of our lives will be judged by God. Faith and actions will get you to heaven. PARABLE OF LAZARUS AND THE RICH MAN Jesus used parables to deliver a message or teaching. In this parable he identifies a clear divide between those who will be rewarded in heaven and those who will be punished in hell. The afterlife can ONLY be achieved by FAITH and GOD ACTIONS regardless of success or wealth in an earthly life. RESURRECTION  Christians believe that the SPIRITUAL part of a person, their SOUL , is able to join God in heaven when they die. However , they believe that at the end of time there will also be a physical resurrection. This means that people will be brought back to life with physical bodies,  just as Jesus was. This belief is stated in the CREEDS also by ST PAUL. HEAVEN AND HELL  Why do Christians have different views on heaven? Answer: There are NOT many descriptions of heaven in the bible - Not exactly clear what heaven is! MOST Christians believe that it is where people go in the afterlife if they have the right to go there and that is where God and the angles are located. SOME Christians believe it is an ACTUAL physical place. OTHERS believe it exists in a more SPIRITUAL dimension, more as a state or condition. What is HELL? Christians have differing opinions about hell as well A place of suffering  Could be a physical place Could be in a more spiritual dimension Definitely absolute separation from God To be in hell is NOT to be in the presence of God. HEAVEN and HELL are CONNECTED to an idea of REWARD and PUNISHMENT at the end of an earthly life. Point to think about: If God is a God of FORGIVENESS, hen nobody should be in hell forever. PURGATORY Roman Catholics believe in a 'waiting room' for heaven where your soul is cleansed of sin. This they call purgatory.

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