number pattern 2


Note on number pattern 2, created by Fatoye on 15/09/2014.
Note by Fatoye, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Fatoye almost 10 years ago

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Rectangular NumbersRectangular numbers are all natural numbers except 1 and prime numbers. Examples are 6, 8,15, 2 etc. Note that 2 is a peculiar number. Though it is an even number, it is a rectangular number. Triangular numbers are the sequence of numbers1, 3,6,10,15,21... Square numbers are perfect squares. 1,4,16,36,...The sequence 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,... is called Fibonacci sequence.Assignmentgive the next two terms of the triangular number sequence and the Fibonacci sequence. answers should be sent to my message inbox.

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