Life Expectancy Within Countries


A level Geography (Health, Human Rights and Intervention) Note on Life Expectancy Within Countries, created by Wesley Spearman on 04/05/2018.
Wesley Spearman
Note by Wesley Spearman, updated more than 1 year ago
Wesley Spearman
Created by Wesley Spearman almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

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Aboriginal Australians

Australian life expectancy Men: 79.7 Women: 83.1 Currently ranked 6th amongst OECD countries Indigenous people make up ~6% of Australia's population Life expectancy currently estimated at 10.6 yrs lower for men and 9.5 yrs lower for women Over last 5 yrs, indigenous life expectancy increased by 1 yr for both genders Socio-economic factors Poor housing Dispossession of traditional lands Low education levels High unemployment Hidden ethnic discrimination Inability of politicians to address Aboriginal problems Use of illicit substances and alcohol abuse Heavy smoking Many Aborigines lack the transport to access medical centres Over 30% of Aborigines live in major cities

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Brazil life expectancy 70.4 (men) 77.6 (women) Highest life expectancies in southern states where major cities Sao Paulo and Porto Alegre are located Have high employment rates High income jobs Adequate housing Avg 72 yrs in Rio de Janeiro Several favelas (slums) in the city Most states with low life expectancies contain large proportions of indigenous peoples They life in sparsely populated forest Rely on traditional medicines Est. 900,000 native Amerindians remaining Approx 5 million before European colonisation

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