Energy case study


Energy case study (Iceland)
Jan Kowalski
Note by Jan Kowalski, updated more than 1 year ago
Jan Kowalski
Created by Jan Kowalski over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

Energy supply in Iceland

Background info:  

Iceland's energy sources: 66% geothermal 15% hydro-electric energy  Overall 81% of sustainable energy 19% imported fossil fuels: coal, oil

Uses of geothermal energy: Heating Electricity generation Fish farming Snow melting Industry Swimming pools Greenhouses

Why is Iceland able to use geothermal energy: Located on Mid-Atlantic ridge (constructive plate boundary between North American and Eurasian plate) Plates moving apart at 2 cm/year This creates volcanic activity, rising heat in the gap

Hydro-electric power: 10 HEP power stations constructed since 1965 Extra energy can be sold as there's a surplus of it HEP stations built on glacial rivers as they are fed by snow melting due to geothermal energy (water turns turbines)

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