November 7th-2013


First Year SBC CO205 Life Coaching Note on November 7th-2013, created by heinrichs.mark on 07/11/2013.
Note by heinrichs.mark, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by heinrichs.mark over 11 years ago

Resource summary

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ROADBLOCKS & OBSTACLESDefinition-Something that makes it difficult to do something, that blocks your way or hinders progress, an object to go over or underIdentifying with someone gets you on the same level, creates a unique relationship, let's them know they are not alone and stops isolation. Lets them know that they are not defined by the obstacle, that they are still who they are.Kinds of ObstaclesEnergy Drainers2 Kinds- Annoyances---small things that build up over time---dishes, disorganized room/desk etc.- Chronic Complaints---recurring significant issues---ie: health management, time managementADDRESSING ENERGY DRAINERSStep 1: Identify-list your annoyances and chronic complaints-do so for each area of your life (work, home, family, finances, etc)Step 2: Count the Cost-What are energy drainers costing you?-Determine if the cost is worth the drainStep 3: Do Something-Commit to changing something in your life if the cost is not worth the drain it's causing4 STEPS TO CHANGE1. Find a Strategy:Different strategies work for different people; use trial and error to find the right strategy for you2. Don't Waste Unnecessary Energy:Once a strategy has been implemented, many energy drainers simply take care of themselves3. Neutralize Energy Drainers:Take one step at a time, take an energy drainers power away by remembering that every positive step no matter how small is still a positive step.4. Learn From The Experience:Remember that no experience is ever wasted so long as we learn from itSELF ACTUALIZATIONDefinition: "The process of establishing oneself as a whole person, able to develop ones abilities and to understand oneself"From a Christian perspective, "Self-Actualization" should be understood as the process of understanding who one is in relationship with God.-It is only form this perspective that a person can be established as whole.-Key is to know what that looks like in the coaching relationshipNEEDSAcknowledge That You Have Needs---identify needs by tracking emotions---be careful not to mistake a desire(want) for a needIdentify 5 Greatest Needs at This Time---security needs---power and influence needs---achievement/attainment needs---intimacy needs, relationship/connection needsDetermine How You're Currently Meeting Needs---organize and rate needs in categories from Chapter 8 (Menendez)---List ways you currently are meeting or not meeting your needsFind Healthy Ways To Meet Your Needs---Determine what the need actually is, and not just what it feels like---Make a list of how you might meet each need in a better - or at least different - way

NAVIGATING LIFEVALUESDefinition: "a principle or quality intrinsically valuable or desirable"Synonyms: worth, quality, belief, trust, convictionVALUE PRINCIPLES- Powerful- Reflect highest thoughts- Bring fulfillment when they are lived out- Intentionality is key- Prioritizing is importantIDENTIFYING VALUES- We automatically live out our core values (almost unconciously)- Use intentional language - say what you mean and mean what you say

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