Topic 4 - Learning Outcomes


Year 3 - Undergraduate Module S317 - Genes to Species (Topic 4 - Genomes and Genome Evolution) Note on Topic 4 - Learning Outcomes, created by Sam Geldard on 24/05/2022.
Sam Geldard
Note by Sam Geldard, updated more than 1 year ago
Sam Geldard
Created by Sam Geldard over 2 years ago

Resource summary

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Topic 4.1 Understanding Genomes Describe examples of the genome sizes and structures of several organisms. Describe how genomes can be visualised, identified and compared cytologically, giving examples where changes in ploidy and chromosome structure have been identified. Outline how DNA sequence information is obtained, assembled into a reference sequence and explored using online databases. Give an account of how sequencing technology can be applied to studies of microbiomes, gene expression, somatic differences between cells and organisms. Explain how evolutionary relationships between genes and organisms can be deciphered from the study of genetic differences between those organisms. Describe how genomic information is used to determine the evolutionary relationship between genes, proteins and organisms. Describe non-nuclear genomes and how they can be used to study relationships between organisms.

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Topic 4.2 - Dynamic Genomes Describe the role of gene and genome duplications in the evolution of several lineages of organisms. Explain how novel gene functions arise. Describe how genome changes affect meiosis through their influence upon genetic recombination. Outline how changes in genome structure and sequence can influence the formation of barriers to gene flow.

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