Parts of Speech


Review: Two Level
Note by adeena07, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by adeena07 almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

Parts of Speech ReviewNoun: names a person, place or thing. Pronoun: a quick word thatches the place of a noun. Subject Pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they Object Pronouns: me, you, him, hurt, it, us, you, them Possessive Pronouns: mie, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs Adjective: Modifies a noun or pronoun Possesive adjectives: my, you, his, her its, our, your, their Articles: a, an, the Verb: shows action or linking; is/was, run, laughAdverb: modifies a verb, sometimes ends with 'ly'.Conjunction: joins two words or two groups of words Coordinating Conjunctions: and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet Subordinating Conjunctions: if, as, since, when, because Preposition: shows relationship between two thingsInterjection: shows emotion - ugh, yes, no

Parts of Sentence ReviewSentence: A group of words with a subject and predicate: a complete thought Subject: the noun, subject pronoun, or indefinite pronoun that the sentence is aboutPredicate: the simple predicate is the verb, AVP or LVP. If the predicate is a AVP it may have a Direct Object: if it is a LVP it may have a Subject Complement.Direct Object: The noun or object pronoun that receives the action of an action verbIndirect Object: The noun or object pronoun that is located between the action verb and the direct object and that is indirectly affected by the action.Subject Complement: a noun, subject pronoun, or adjective that is linked to the subject by linking verb and that complements (makes more complete) the subject.Pronoun Rule: A subject is a subject and an object is an object. For the subject of the verb and the subject complement, use subject pronouns. For the direct object, indirect object and object of preposition, use object pronouns.

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