

Important information relevant to the class. MUST READ to fully understand the purpose and rules of the class.
Nouprath Say
Note by Nouprath Say, updated more than 1 year ago
Nouprath Say
Created by Nouprath Say over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

WELCOME TO THE RILAKKUMA CLASS!This class was created on 02/09/2016 for only ONE purpose! The purpose is to whip Nunu's butt into getting good grades and be eligible for scholarship.RULES; Must complete the given tasks on time DO NOT CHEAT IN QUIZZES! Rewards are given once you successfully complete the reward tasks or reach a certain point. More information about rewards are indicated below REWARDSRewards includes up to $50 cash in each task and any requested items such as new phone, laptop or stationery. RP= Reward Points500 RP Item<$501,000 RP Item<$1002,000 RP Item<$2005,000 RP Item<$50010,000 RP Item<$1,00020,000 RP Item<$2,000Note: Alternatively you may convert RP into cash if approved by me. Maximum amount reward value is $2000 (since I might become broke from this. Peace)

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