MOOCS - Online learning


About online eductaion revolution. From ACM webinar presented by Andrew Ng - cofounder of COURSERA.
Note by tosepage, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by tosepage over 10 years ago

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Runaway in Bangledesh got qualification from PENN as well as  Michigan etc. enabling her to build successful business. Then educate others."women of Bangladesh are very strong. Need only opportunity to learn."

COURSERA (Andrew Ng) - Offering over 500 courses. 3 years old. 600 people listening in one ACM online lecture. Greatly amplifies teaching because of numbers. Very high quality courses with lots of traffic.Relatively low course completion. However those who say are highly committed and sign a commitment (with £50) about 88% complete.Coursera offers - Learning experience for free. Qualifications/credentials for a fee. Initially team of 5 people. Edu shouldn't only be for privileged, but fundamental human right. Dramatically enhance reach of uni's all over the world. Global access no longer utopian view.

Features of MOOC: Can share and run code with others "Your world is your lab" allows people to carry out physics exp in own home. Some MOOC features implemented in university Game integration (national taiwan uni) Peer grading Project based learning

Apps for IOS and Android. Good for learners without constant internet access. Material can be downloaded and accessed later anywhere. International reach Many computing profs to keep up to date. Second most pop class is android development Onlline content being available to students means lectures can be reserved for discussions. (Blackboard).

case studyZack starer-stor:Quit job and retrained using MOOCS.

NB. Vanderbelt offering specialisation cert in Android app creation.

Questions: Best teachers can't be replaced by a comp. So doesn't take jobs from good teachers. MOOCS can automate more routine parts of teaching though.In some poorer regions there aren';t teachers and MOOCS give opportunity to learn there. Peer grading - after submitting, student is trained as to how to grade work. All students required to grade certain number of assignments. Student's grade is determined as average of grades achieved according to other students. - Andrew gives 'B' for quality of peer grading. If found a grade is unfair, can be bumped up. Data collection allows to see who isn't grading well also. Fee for cert is shared between unis and coursera to sustain coursera. Coursera currently not making profit. Also offers financial aid to some. What could have been done differently - teaching shorter courses.

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