spits, bars and tombolo's


GCSE GEOGRAPHY Note on spits, bars and tombolo's, created by meg leising on 12/05/2014.
meg leising
Note by meg leising, updated more than 1 year ago
meg leising
Created by meg leising over 10 years ago

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Spits- Eroded materials are carries along the beach by long shore drift. The direction of prevailing wind causes the wind to approach the coastline at an angle. Beach sediment moves in zigzag patterns along the coast line. Long shore drift continues to transport sediment along passed the end of the coast line. A change in wind direction causes the spit to curve. A recurved lateral is formed. fresh water/sea water are trapped behind the spit as it forms. As the water behind the spit is sheltered form waves plants begin to colonise. Salt marshes/sand dunes form in the lagoon.

Bars-Bars are formed when too headland have grown so long it join two headlands together.

Tombolo's-Tombolo's are formed when a pit attaches itself to an island E.g. Llandudno.

An example of a spit is Blakeney point, Norfolk.

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