The Outbreak of WW2


The events leading up to WW2 and why Hitler started war.
Georgia Warren
Note by Georgia Warren, updated more than 1 year ago
Georgia Warren
Created by Georgia Warren over 7 years ago

Resource summary

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The events leading up to WW2:

March 1938: The Anschluss: This was the annexation of Austria into Germany It was held as a referendum rather than an invasion, many people agreed they wanted Nazi Germany to take over Austria, HOWEVER, the referendum was rigged - the voting slip had a huge box for 'yes' and a small one for 'no' and there were many Nazi's around the voting areas which was threatening Hitler managed to take Austria

September 1938: The Munich agreement: This was an agreement between Germany, Britain and Franc It allowed Hitler to take the Sudetenland as long as he didn't take military action elsewhere Hitler agreed to this

March 1939: Czechoslovakia: Hitler broke the Munich agreement as he invaded vulnerable Czechoslovakia

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