Jodie Goodacre
Mind Map by , created more than 1 year ago

A-Levels Geography (The Technological Fix) Mind Map on Types of technological fix, created by Jodie Goodacre on 03/11/2013.

Jodie Goodacre
Created by Jodie Goodacre over 11 years ago
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Types of technological fixIntermediate technology refers to relatively low, usually labour intensive technology that can be mastered by local people, especially in thedeveloping worldThe Sri Lankan pumpkin tank waterstorage system is a classic example ofthisThe pumpkin tank can also be classified as appropriate technology because it is appropriate to the level of income, skill and needs of thelocal populationAppropriate technology, however does not necessarily meanlow-techFor instance, both the freeplay wind-up radio and the XO-1 OLPC (one laptop per child)computer are examples of communication technology designed specifically for thedeveloping world.Top down - Organisedand controlled byTNCs, centralgovernment andinternationalorganisations such asthe World BankBottom up - Organisedby local groups andNGOs, with dialoguebetween the funderand the recipient, andthe ability to adapttechnology to localneedsHigh tech -Reliant onsophisticatedsystems,specialist skillsand advancedmaterialsLow tech - Older, tried and tested technology whichuses generic skills and can be mastered by localpeopleCapital and energy intensive - Technologywhich is powered and complex to produceand maintainLabour intensive - Technology which relieson human (or animal) energy to build andrun itFreeplay wind-up radioXO-1 One laptop per childcomputerAround $40Similiar lifeline radio is available for children in thedeveloping worldHumanpoweredNo pollution or energycostsIntegratedtorchCan be used tohear news,weatherforecasts, hazardwarnings andfarm prices, andfor educationIncreases independence and access to critical information, especially in isolatedrural areas$188, although theaim is to lower this to$100Specifically designedfor the developingworldMinimal power consumption, and simple ruggeddesignWirelessmeshnetworkingIncreases information flow and could be a powerfuleducatorLaptops are sold to governments, notindividuals, and a power source isrequiredMegaprojectsUsing small-scale technology can go some way in solving problems, but many nations have opted for large-scale megaprojects as the only way to industrialise and develop a high income,consumer economyMost commonly, these arecivil engineering projectswhich reflect a top-downapproachIndividual citizens rarely have a say intheir planning and construction andopponents argue that individual's rightsare often abusedChina's development is anexample of the megaprojectapproachChina: Fixed on technologyChina has a long history of innovation, including the invention of paper, porcelain,gunpowder, printing andthe compassThe communist People's Republic of China has been transformed in the last few decades by impressive technologicalmegaprojectsA desire to quickly modernise the ChineseeconomyThe vast scale of theeconomyThe fact that China's leaders are trainedengineersChina's drive to modernise has reaped enormousgains in terms of annual GDP growth between 8% and10%Three GorgesDamGreen WallShanghai MaglevSouth-North water transfer project$25 billion1994-2011Multi-purpose navigation hydropower and flood controlschemeYangtzeRiver$8billion1978-20504,500kmlong3 million hectare planted forest belt to prevent further spread of the GobidesertThe desert increases in area by 3,500km squared eachyearIncreased pollution, as the river can no longer 'flush'itself1,300 historic sitesfloodedUp to 4 million peopledisplacedSeveral species, such as Chinese river dolphine and Siberian crane, are threatened and maybecome extinctIf it works, it will prevent annual $50 billion losses due to crop damage, soil erosion anddust stormsFood security will increase as farming will be moresustainableMajor doubts about whether the project can stopdestificationSome land has been taken from herders to plant thetree beltThe world's first commercialmagnetically levitating train,capable of 435km h-1 on a30km track betweenShanghai's CBD and itsairport$1.3billion2001-2004Maglev trains are pollution free, although they useelectricitySignificant international prestige when the MaglevopenedProtests in 2007 against an extension to the systemwere based on health concerns over electromagneticradiation$62billion2002-2050To divert up to 45 billion m cubed of water from theYangtze River to the Yellow and Hai rivers for agriculturaland industrial useThe project will displace 250,000+peopleCould damage biodiversity in theYangtze drainage basin by loweringwater levelsPromotes industrial development but also industrialpollutionDouble click this nodeto edit the textClick and drag this buttonto create a new node