Mental health


Quiz on Mental health, created by Mitch Thornell on 21/09/2018.
Mitch Thornell
Quiz by Mitch Thornell, updated more than 1 year ago
Mitch Thornell
Created by Mitch Thornell almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

You are assessing Deepak and a you ask him what he might do if he was in a shop and heard a fire alarm. You are assessing which of the following?
  • Perception
  • Judgement
  • Memory
  • Concentration

Question 2

George is interviewing a patient called Jeremy. Jeremy states that he does not think his mother loves him as she is always busy and ignores him. George says to Jeremy ` so you think your mother is too busy to pay attention to you?` This is an example of which of the following?
  • Reflection
  • Questioning
  • Paraphrasing
  • Summarising

Question 3

In relation to alcohol use all of the following are symptoms of delirium tremens EXCEPT?
  • Visual hallucination
  • Confusion
  • Insonmia
  • Disorientation

Question 4

Clint states that ` I have only gone through detox because I ran out of money to buy drugs` This is an indication that Clint is in which stage of the Transtheoretical Model?
  • Contemplation
  • Action
  • Maintenance
  • Precontemplation

Question 5

SSRI`s are a type of medications used for the treatment of mood disorders. What does SSRI stand for?
  • Selective serotonin reuptake interuption
  • Selective selenium reuptake inhibitor
  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
  • Secreting serotonin reuptake inhibitor

Question 6

Johnny is a man who has a diagnosis of bi-polar disorder. He is prescribed medication, it is likely that Johnny would be prescribed which of the following medications for bi-polar disorder?
  • Lorazepam
  • Lithium
  • Benztropin
  • St John`s Wort

Question 7

Steven would experience panic if he goes to a shopping centre. He finds crowded places are difficult to escape. Steve may have:
  • Urophobia
  • Chronophobia
  • agoraphobia
  • Antlophobia

Question 8

Which of the following is NOT true for a someone experiencing a panic attack
  • they will respond better if you raise your voice when talking to them
  • the first step to treatment is to slow down their breathing
  • they should be considered to have a respiratory problem until this is ruled out
  • they are likely to present to an Emergency Department

Question 9

A person has 'capacity' to refuse treatment if they understand the consequences of not receiving treatment
  • True
  • False

Question 10

An outdoor education program for adolescents who have been identified as 'at risk' of mental health problems is considered:
  • Treatment
  • Prevention
  • Early intervention
  • Rehabilitation

Question 11

A significant risk factor for the development of an eating disorder is which if the following?
  • High personal regard
  • High self esteem
  • A very thin parent
  • Low self-esteem

Question 12

Lisa is admitted with a tentative diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. The nurse should advise Lisa`s family that Lisa`s fear of being over weight can be equated to her desire to?
  • Become a model
  • Please her partner
  • Maintain a sense of control
  • Calm her euphoria

Question 13

Jason tells you that he is being spied on by the Government and that as a result he needed to quit his job so that the spies could not find him. This is an example of which of the following?
  • Ideas of reference
  • Persecutory delusion
  • Tangential thinking
  • Visual hallucination

Question 14

Jason has schizophrenia and has been experiencing psychosis. His psychotic episodes have not been responsive to some medications and he has now been prescribed Clozapine. What is the significant side effect of clozapine?
  • Postural hypotension
  • Agranulocytosis
  • Dry mouth
  • Weight loss

Question 15

The benefits of conducting a mental health assessment do NOT include:
  • provides a means to gauge the mental health of the client
  • Allows the nurse to decide which family members are supporting the client
  • starts the process of building a therapeutic relationship
  • provides an opportunity to engage with the person who is seeking help

Question 16

Which of the answers below is the correct 3 components of the MSE?
  • Insight, aggression & affect
  • Judgment, delusion & speech
  • Appearance, mood & thought
  • Behaviour, conception & sensorium

Question 17

Jack is admitted to an acute adult ward following an attempt at suicide by overdose 4 days ago. He tells you that he feeling much better and that he has written letters to his family to apologise for his behaviour and has asked for their forgiveness. This is information informs you that?
  • Jack is well again and can be discharged
  • Jack remains suicidal and further assessment should continue
  • Jack`s condition is improving and he has shown remorse for his poor behaviour
  • Jack`s family were the cause of all of his problems

Question 18

The term suicidal ideation is defined as which of the following?
  • Thinking about and planning one's own death
  • The accidental act of taking one's own life
  • An unintentional overdose
  • Planing another's death

Question 19

Bipolar 1 Disorder involves one or more manic episodes
  • True
  • False

Question 20

Jack has a diagnosis of Bi-polar disorder. Which of the following would be the predominant medication regime for bi-polar disorder?
  • Hypnotics
  • Mood stabilisers
  • Anti-depressants
  • Anxiolytics

Question 21

What percentage of the Australian population is estimated to experience a mental health issue in their life?
  • 50%
  • --30
  • 40%
  • -60%

Question 22

An emergency examination authority allows a person to be detained for ___________ for an examination.
  • ---8 hours
  • --24 hours
  • 6- 12 hours
  • 1 hour

Question 23

Tim has schizophrenia and his family are visiting him in hospital following a psychotic episode. Tim's family are asking questions. You explain that schizophrenia is commonly diagnosed during which of the following periods?
  • Late adolescence
  • Early childhood
  • Middle adulthood
  • Late adulthood

Question 24

Tim has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Which of the following are classified as negative symptoms?
  • Avolition and depression
  • Thought blocking and paranoid delusions
  • intoxication and depression
  • paranoia and inappropriate dress

Question 25

Which of the following is NOT a pharmacological treatment for anxiety?
  • Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Beta-blockers

Question 26

Jo is admitted to an acute adult mental health ward. Two days after her admission, Jo expresses suicidal ideation. ----Jo tells the nurse she feels at peace and is fine. Jo informs the nurse that she would like to be discharged. The nurse understands that:
  • Jo has resolved her negative affect and now feels hopeful for the future. Jo can be discharged
  • Jo remains at risk of suicide and requires further assessment
  • Jo is ready for discharge as she now feels well again
  • --Jo's condition is improving and therefore home leave or discharge would be helpful

Question 27

When considering a client's risk of violence, a nurse might use the acronym STAMP for heir assessment. The 'A"in STAMP stands for
  • Aggression
  • Aggravation
  • Anger
  • Anxiety

Question 28

Feeling spiders crawl on you is an example of _______________________
  • a gustatory hallucination
  • an olfactory hallucination
  • a visual hallucination
  • a tactile hallucination

Question 29

If a patient's serum lithium level was above 3 mEq/l, which would be the most appropriate nursing intervention?
  • withhold the next dose and wait until the doctor's next round to inform them of the level
  • Assist in the administration of mannnitol
  • take a further lithium level the next day to ensure accuracy of the level
  • administer over the counter medications for the relief of symptoms

Question 30

During an assessment patient Sally thinks `Wow! That nurse didn`t even react when I told her about the drugs I used` What therapeutic skill is the nurse using?
  • Attention
  • Unconditional positive regard
  • Collaborative care
  • Empathy

Question 31

During an assessment Nurse Mary says to her patient: `Sally can you please tell me more about your drug use?` This is an example of which of teh following?
  • Closed question
  • Open question
  • Minimal response
  • Non verbal cue

Question 32

FRAMES is a model for conducting brief interventions within substance use settings. Which of the following relates to `E` in FRAMES acronym?
  • Empathy
  • Engagement
  • Education
  • Environment

Question 33

MAOI is the acronym for: Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors
  • True
  • False

Question 34

the nurse working with a client with an antisocial personality disorder would expect which of the following behaviours?
  • exploitation of other clients
  • compliance with expectations and rules
  • --withdrawal from social activities
  • utilisation of rituals to allay anxiety

Question 35

Alan is diagnosed with delirium tremens having been alcohol dependent. He attempts to remove his intravenous line from his arm and says to the nurse 'get this snake out of me!' Alan is experiencing which f the following?
  • Olfactory hallucinations
  • Delusions
  • Illusions
  • Auditory hallucinations

Question 36

You are a school nurse and you are completing a risk assessment on Jessica, a 15 year old. Which of the following three factors put Jessica at high risk of suicide?
  • bouts of weeping, a recent bereavement, loss of appetite
  • hallucinations, delusions, pressured speech
  • past suicide attempts, a diagnosis of mood disorder, a plan
  • Hypomania, insomnia, living in a single parent family

Question 37

Lisa is admitted with a tentative diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. According to DSM-V the criteria that must be present for this diagnosis includes which of the following?
  • Bradycardia with peripheral oedema
  • Persistent restriction of energy intake
  • Mild anaemia with fatigue after exertion
  • Weight loss of at least 15 (fifteen) kilos

Question 38

According to Barker's (2004) content free interviewing communication strategy, which of the following strategies does Barker suggest is best to understand psychosis?
  • Tell the person that you do not agree with their beliefs
  • Ask the person to describe how they know that their belief is true
  • Ask the person to tell you how their beliefs make them feel
  • Tell the person that you believe their delusion

Question 39

Tim has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and whilst experiencing a psychotic episode is hospitalised. Which of the following are likely to be Tim's positive symptoms?
  • Anhedonia, lethargy, social isolation
  • Hallucinations, delusions, disorganised speech
  • Suicidal ideation, introversion, poor hygiene
  • disorganised behaviours, pressure of speech, social isolation

Question 40

When assessing for symptoms of mania, the nurse recognises that the symptoms may include which of the following?
  • Low self esteem
  • Avolition
  • Decreased need to sleep
  • Paranoid delusions

Question 41

You are completing an MSE on David and he tells you that he is feeling 'really very well, thank you' However on observation you note that Davis is slow to move, slow to respond to your questions and does notshow any animation in his speech. You recognise this as being which of the following?
  • Distorted perceptions
  • Incongruence of mood and affect
  • Congruence of mood and affect
  • Incongruence of perception

Question 42

Susan is a secondary school nurse. She has received a referral about Wendy from the guidance officer. Prior to meeting Wendy, Susan reads the school report and meets with Wendy's home room teacher. Susan is currently in what phase of the therapeutic relationship with Wendy?
  • Working
  • Termination
  • Pre-orientation
  • Orientation

Question 43

A nurse working with a client with agoraphobia recognises that the most effective technique for treatment of agoraphobia is:
  • gradual desensitization by controlled exposure to the situation the client fears
  • teaching relaxation techniques
  • distraction each time the client brings up the problem
  • repeated exposure to the situations the client fears

Question 44

Lisa is admitted with a tentative diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. The nurse caring for Lisa should explain to Lisa`s family that it is typical for a person with anorexia nervosa to percieve his or her body as which of the following?
  • Extremely obese
  • Sexually appealing
  • Extremely thin
  • Normal size

Question 45

Karmel is prescribed Prozac (fluoxetine) for a diagnosis of major depression. The nurse recognises that this is which of the following types of medication?
  • MAOI
  • Tricyclic antidepressant
  • minor tanquilliser
  • Selective serontonin reuptake inhibitor

Question 46

Which of the following would NOT indicate an increased risk of suicide?
  • Having sudden improvement of mood
  • Calling family members to make amends for past events
  • Feeling overwhelmed by daily tasks
  • Statements like `It will be the end of the story`

Question 47

As a nurse, you are planning to deliver some psychoeducation to Tim, who has recently been diagnosed with schizophrenia. What topic would take priority?
  • The importance of taking medication correctly
  • The ways to behave when taking a trip on a bus into the community
  • How to complete an application for housing
  • How to be assertive

Question 48

Sam is undergoing a medically supported alcohol withdrawal. Which of the following medications would you give to maintain brain function and decrease liklihood of cognitive impairments?
  • Cod liver oil
  • Vitamin B complex
  • Vitamin C
  • Thiamine

Question 49

Abel has been admitted into the acute hospital in acute alcohol withdrawal. He has not had alcohol for 36 hours. Which if teh following would you be most concerned about?
  • Korsakoff's syndrome
  • Wernicke's encephalopathy
  • Dependence
  • Delerium tremens

Question 50

Jason is in hospital having experienced delusions and acute psychosis. He is now prescribed antipsychotic medications. You notice that he is pacing the hospital corridor and is unable to stay still even when you are trying to engage him in conversation. You assess Jason as most likely to be experiencing which of the following?
  • Oculogyric crisis
  • Dystonia
  • Akinesia
  • Akathisia

Question 51

Nora states that worms are wriggling on her body. There is nothing visible on her body. Which domain of the mental state examination is Nora having difficulties with?
  • Perception
  • Thought
  • Mood and affect
  • Judgement

Question 52

The chronic abuse of alcohol may result in Korsakoff's syndrome. What is the main symptom of Korsakoff's syndrome?
  • Paranoia
  • Ataxia
  • Memory loss
  • Visual chnages

Question 53

A sixty-year-old client visits the mental health outpatient clinic, and tells the nurse that she "worries all the time and sometimes life just seems hopeless". The nurse suspects that the client is most likely experiencing ______________________
  • borderline personality disorder
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • ----generalised anxiety disorder
  • panic disorder without agoraphobia

Question 54

Which of the following best describes a rapid cycling bipolar disorder?
  • It is a concurrence of elevated mood and depression for at least 4 times, within 1 month (YEAR)
  • It is a concurrence of elevated mood and depression within the last 12 months
  • It is a concurrence of elevated mood and depression at least 4 times within the last 1 month
  • It is a concurrence of elevated mood and depression within 1 month

Question 55

Jason is having delusional thoughts. Which of the following would be the most appropriate nursing intervention?
  • Challenge the content of the delusion
  • Separate Jason from the rest of the ward, he is clearly a danger to others
  • Promise Jason that medication is the correct treatment
  • Avoid challenging the content of the delusional thoughts

Question 56

Which of the following is the first line psychological intervention for Anorexia Nervosa?
  • Re-feeding
  • Family therapy
  • Role modelling
  • Motivational interviewing

Question 57

When writing your nursing notes you note that Gary has a supportive family, good understanding of his psychosis and he adheres to his medication and medication reviews well. You note that he undertakes some community work in a charity shops. How would you classify these factors?
  • Perpetrating
  • Protective
  • Problematic
  • Precipitating

Question 58

Symptoms of a panic attack can include:
  • nausea, dizziness and chest pain
  • constipation, fatigue and diaphoresis
  • nausea, fatigue and chest pain
  • nausea, constipation and chest pain

Question 59

A life-threatening crisis can occur when a patient ingests tyramine when they are prescribed tricyclic antidepressants.
  • True
  • False

Question 60

A normal or stable mental state is described as _______________________
  • Dysthymic
  • Dysrythymic
  • Euphoric
  • Euthymic

Question 61

Sam has been admitted to hospital in acute alcohol withdrawal. He has not had any alcohol for 36 hours. Which of the following symptoms would you expect Sam to display?
  • Hypertension, vomiting and ataxia
  • Tremor, fatigue, rhinitis
  • Restlessness, tremor, headache
  • Sweating, goose flesh, diarrhoea
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