Exploring youth health and wellbeing programs


Exploring youth health and wellbeing issues (Chapter 6 in the book)
Cailin Pearce
Flashcards by Cailin Pearce, updated more than 1 year ago
Cailin Pearce
Created by Cailin Pearce almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Direct costs Costs associated with preventing the disease or condition and Providing health and wellbeing services to people suffering from it. Direct costs include all those associated with developing and implementing health promotion strategies as well as the diagnosis, management and treatment of the condition.
Indirect costs Costs that are not directly related to the diagnosis or treatment of the disease, but that occur as a result of the person having the disease. Such as not attending work and losing income due to a depressive episode.
Intangible costs Costs on which it is difficult to place a monetary value. They often involve emotions or feelings for both the individual and the community.
A mental health plan A care plan to help decide what services are needed, to set goals and decide on the best treatment options.
Advocacy Promoting the interests or cause of an individual or a group of people
Public advocacy Advocacy that aims to influence behaviour, opinion and practices of the public, to mobilise groups and institutions that are involved in affecting change.
Community advocacy Advocacy that aims to effect change by working with affected communities to influence behaviour and practices. An example of this is the City of Monash, which is trying to encourage the development of resources and education for mental health and wellbeing for individuals living in the local area.
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