Weimar Germany 1919 - 23


iGCSE History (Germany 1919 - 1945) Quiz on Weimar Germany 1919 - 23, created by Drew Bott on 12/12/2018.
Drew Bott
Quiz by Drew Bott, updated 4 months ago
Drew Bott
Created by Drew Bott almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Which of the following were 'true' of Germany in 1918?
  • The Kaiser abdicated
  • Germany became a Republic as a result of a 'revolution'
  • Germany became a dictatorship
  • German people were struggling to feed themselves due to a British Naval blockade
  • German society was deeply divided
  • Ex-soldiers and civilians welcomed democracy with open arms

Question 2

Which political group encouraged uprisings against the Kaiser?
  • The freikorps
  • The Social Democrats
  • The Allies

Question 3

Who is this?
  • Friedrich Ebert - the First President of the Republic
  • Franz von Papen - The Chancellor
  • Alfred Hindenburg - The first President of the Republic

Question 4

True of Article 48 of the constitution
  • It was designed to ‘safeguard’ the Republic at a time of political crisis
  • It allowed the President to rule by decree
  • It allowed the Chancellor to rule by decree
  • In the ‘wrong’ hands it could be used to erode democratic values

Question 5

What made the Weimar Constitution ‘democratic’?
  • Universal suffrage
  • A Bill of Rights
  • A secret Ballot
  • Both ‘Houses’ elected

Question 6

Which of the following are 'true' of the Weimar Constitution?
  • It was democratic and had a series of checks and balances.
  • The Chancellor could appoint and dismiss the President.
  • All Germans over 20 could vote and their liberties were protected by a Bill of Rights.
  • The Chancellor could request the Presidential Decree (Article 48) in times of emergency.
  • The system of voting was 'first past the post'

Question 7

in 1919 a left wing communist group, the Spartacists, attempted a putsch against the Republic.
  • True
  • False

Question 8

Which of the following is 'true' of the Spartacist Uprising?
  • They wanted a Soviet style revolution - for them, the 'German Revolution' had not gone far enough.
  • They were joined by ex-soldiers, known as Freikorps.
  • They succeeded in winning concessions from the Weimar Government

Question 9

The Spartacists Uprising was the only left wing revolt against the Republic at this time.
  • True
  • False

Question 10

Which of the following are reasons why the Republic faced opposition from the Right wing?
  • They disliked democratic government - they viewed it as weak
  • They felt the Republican politicians had 'stabbed the German army in the back' by signing the Treaty of Versailles.
  • They wanted to establish a socialist dictatorship.

Question 11

True of Matthias Erzburger?
  • He was made Chancellor
  • He was elected President
  • He was assassinated by Organisation Consul
  • He attempted a Putsch in 1920

Question 12

in 1920 Dr Wolfgang Kapp led 5,000 Freikorps into Munich in a rebellion against the state.
  • True
  • False

Question 13

The Kapp putsch failed because the Government called on the workers to actively resist the putsch by taking up arms against Kapp.
  • True
  • False

Question 14

Which of the following is 'evidence' of the fact that Ebert's Government struggled to deal with political violence in the period after the War?
  • There were frequent political assassinations.
  • In 1922 the foreign minister, Walter Rathenau was murdered.
  • Hitler attempted a putsch in 1923.
  • Ebert's Government handed out stringent punishments to those convicted of political violence.

Question 15

Approximately how many political assassinations were there between 1919 and 1923?
  • 50
  • 150
  • 250
  • 350

Question 16

Most political assassinations were carried out by the left against the right.
  • True
  • False

Question 17

Which of the following is 'true' of the Reparations issue?
  • The bill, announced in April 1921, was the equivalent of £6.6 billion to be paid in annual installments.
  • The Reparations bill represented 2% of the German economic output and this was considered an intolerable strain on an already weakened economy.
  • Germany made the first payment in 1921 - of £50 million.
  • The payment resulted in an increase in inflation.
  • The Germans defaulted in late 1922.

Question 18

Which of the following was NOT a consequence of Germany's failure to pay their reparations?
  • France & Belgium sent troops into the Rhineland
  • France & Belgium sent troops into the Ruhr
  • The Government ordered the workers to resist by going on strike
  • The French reacted harshly - over 100 workers were killed
  • The German economy suffered
  • The Government responded by printing money which contributed to hyperinflation

Question 19

Which of the following were genuine consequences of hyper-inflation?
  • The German currency grew stronger.
  • The middle classes lost their savings.
  • Civil Servants, on fixed wages didn't suffer.
  • Prices spiralled out of control - so much so that wages had to increase to keep up.
  • In 1921 what would have bought you a house would not have been enough to buy a loaf of bread in 1923.
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