
8th grade English Quiz on GRADE 8 MOCK TEST 2, created by Gazalah Shahnaz on 28/01/2021.
Gazalah Shahnaz
Quiz by Gazalah Shahnaz, updated more than 1 year ago
Gazalah Shahnaz
Created by Gazalah Shahnaz over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

What is special about the robot 'AIBO'?
  • A. It appears in science fiction movies.
  • B. It looks and acts like a pet dog.
  • C. It can do the work of human beings.
  • D. It is a dog that behaves like a robot.

Question 2

How does Aibo develop personality traits?
  • A. Through its interaction with other dogs and learning from them.
  • B. Through its ability to show emotions and instincts.
  • C. Through a memory stick containing personality information.
  • D. Through its ability to mimic its human master.

Question 3

Which of the following statements is FALSE about Aibo?
  • A. Aibo does various tricks like chasing a ball and shows various gestures of a dog.
  • B. Aibo responds to patting and slapping and changes its manners accordingly.
  • C. Aibo expresses emotions and instinct* just like any puppy.
  • D. Aibo develops from a newborn puppy to an adult dog and eventually dies.

Question 4

How can this sentence be rewritten? The master said to Aibo, “Take a picture.”
  • A. The master said take a picture to Aibo.
  • B. The master ordered Aibo to take a picture.
  • C. The master hoped Aibo would take a picture.
  • D. The master pleaded with Aibo to take a picture.

Question 5

Why does the author say that "Aibo is guaranteed to worm its way into its master's heart"?
  • Aibo is an animal and so behaves like a worm.
  • Aibo crawls like a worm and becomes friendly.
  • Aibo captures its master's affections slowly.
  • Aibo is so loving that its master is immediately charmed.

Question 6

What do science fiction writers probably ‘NOT tell us about robots?
  • A. That they are machines that can do mechanical work.
  • B. That they may conquer the world and enslave humans.
  • C. That they are pets which can be nurtured and played with.
  • D. That they are machines who obey human commands.

Question 7

What do understand by 'mass-produced'?
  • produced according to their masses
  • made according to order placed
  • produced in large quantities
  • made in huge sizes and shapes

Question 8

The observations expressed in the FIRST paragraph are probably signs preceding a sense of
  • relief
  • dislike
  • guilt
  • ignorance

Question 9

The 'last day' refers to the day
  • A. before the last examination
  • B. before the holidays commence.
  • C. the report cards would be given.
  • D. Swami had to leave the school.

Question 10

The SECOND paragraph suggests that Swami
  • A. felt relaxed and happy that he had left the examination hall early.
  • B. felt uncomfortable on seeing his friends still answering the paper.
  • C. looked angrily at his friends for not coming out of the hall with him.
  • D. was annoyed with himself for handing in his papers late.

Question 11

'..... on improving the little dash under the last line indicating the end, till it became an elaborate complicated pattern.' This suggests that Swami was
  • A. artistic by nature.
  • B. bored at that time.
  • c. a brilliant student.
  • D. happy at that time.

Question 12

Swami chose the SECOND MORAL for the given story because it
  • A. was easier to understand.
  • B. had a fewer number of words.
  • C. was more rational to his mind.
  • D. did not have the word 'tiger'.

Question 13

Which of these statements is the MOST APPROPRIATE moral for the story of the Brahmin and the Tiger?
  • A. Temptation resisted is the true measure of character.
  • B. The wages of greed can result in irreparable loss.
  • C. A fool and his money are soon parted.
  • D. Life is not worth the value of gold.

Question 14

With which action mentioned below can the word 'briskly' also be associated?
  • A. creating
  • B. walking
  • C. crawling
  • D. staring

Question 15

Why does the poet say that the crocodile's skin is 'as rough as any file?
  • A. because there are files stuck on the skin in the form of sharp projections.
  • B. because the skin has round bumps.
  • C. the sharp projections on the skin resemble the ones of a file.
  • D. just to make the poem rhyme.

Question 16

By 'a wide deceptive smile', the poet means that
  • A. the crocodile gives everyone a wide smile.
  • B. the crocodile smiles in a sweet way
  • C. the crocodile is wickedly smiling to himself.
  • D. the crocodile's smile is inviting but actually misleading.

Question 17

Choose the word CLOSEST in meaning to the word ‘vile’.
  • A. foolish
  • B. wicked
  • C. good
  • D. ugly

Question 18

Choose the sentence which has a word which rhymes with the word ‘rough’. "Whose skin's as rough as any file.
  • A. The cattle were engrossed in eating their meal from their trough.
  • B. The bough was as light as a feather.
  • C. Mother kneads the dough soft and smooth.
  • D. The little child's body shook violently with a severe cough.

Question 19

The poet CONCLUDES by saying that:
  • A smile can mean a lot to others.
  • The crocodile is always glum.
  • Glum folk have an advantage over the crocodile.
  • Sad people should learn to smile from the crocodile.

Question 20

'The police caught him red-handed.' The expression red-handed refers to which of the following?
  • A. He was caught when his hand was painted red,
  • B. He was caught with blood in his hands.
  • C. He was hurt and bleeding when caught.
  • D. The police caught him in the act of doing something wrong.

Question 21

'The CSE had opened a can of worms on pesticide residue in bottled water and the exercise had ended with the Indian health ministry notifying new norms for pesticides in packaged drinking water. The expression 'opened a can of worms' indicates that the CSE:
  • A used a lot of uncommon technical terms.
  • B. caused problems by revealing hidden information
  • C. polluted (samples of drinking water)
  • D. released a set of toxic substances into the air

Question 22

We look up a word in a THESAURUS to
  • A. see the word in another language.
  • B. see how the word is spelt.
  • C. find another word with the same meaning.
  • D. find the word used in a sentence.

Question 23

In which of these sentences does make' mean' find?
  • A. We make our beds in the morning after waking up.
  • B. A hundred paise make a rupee.
  • C. Once in a while all of us make a mistake.
  • D. My sisters make their way to the house in the dark.

Question 24

Which word BEST completes the sentence below? The world would be a happier place____________________ people were not so selfish.
  • if only
  • provided that
  • supposing
  • although

Question 25

which word is most suitable here! "There's only one dress like this - it's a/an ______________________________ one." [blank_start]specialexceptionalexclusiveunique[blank_end]
  • special
  • exceptional
  • exclusive
  • unique

Question 26

"Who has created this beautiful painting?" The Passive form of this sentence is (choose the BEST answer)
  • By whom is this beautiful painting created?
  • This beautiful painting had been created by whom?
  • For who is this beautiful painting being created?
  • By whom has this beautiful painting been created?

Question 27

What does the word "anecdotally" in (1) convey?
  • It is a common belief that a lack of sleep is harmful to our health
  • The passage is an individual's personal story of sleep deficiency
  • It is a myth that getting enough sleep keeps people fresh and alert.
  • People have been telling stories about what causes sleep deficiency.

Question 28

Which of the following does the word "cumulative" in (2) indicate?
  • collective
  • increasing
  • progressive
  • (all of the above)

Question 29

What does the phrase "sleep debt" (3) mean in the context of this passage?
  • the number of hours one must sleep every day
  • the number of waking hours for every sleeping hour
  • the number of hours one must stay awake for a given period of time
  • the number of hours of sleep one loses over a long period of not sleeping well

Question 30

Which of the following means the same as "chronic" as in (4)?
  • long lasting
  • best known
  • very frequent
  • less understood

Question 31

Which of the following is the OPPOSITE of "deprivation" in (5)? [blank_start]lack excessstabilityreduction[blank_end]
  • excess
  • lack
  • stability
  • reduction

Question 32

Which of the following means the same as "optimal" in (6)? [blank_start]idealpeakexcessachieved[blank_end]
  • ideal
  • peak
  • excess
  • achieved

Question 33

I have gathered all the information we need for the project. We need to consolidate the information and submit the report. Which of the following means the same as 'consolidate'?
  • copy
  • recover
  • combine
  • advertise

Question 34

Although he had a full recovery, Rohan's long stay in hospital after the leg surgery left him feeling completely wearied, Which of the following means the same as the 'wearied'?
  • A. tired
  • B. cautious
  • C. uncertain
  • D. frustrated

Question 35

Which of the following sentences uses punctuation correctly?
  • A. Our school receives four newspapers daily: The times of India, The hindustan times. The economist, and The indian express.
  • B. Our school receives four Newspapers daily, The Times of India. The Hindustan Times, The Economist, and The Indian Express.
  • C Our school receives four newspapers daily: The Times of India, The Hindustan Times, The Economist, and The Indian Express.
  • D. Our school receives four Newspapers daily, The Times of India. The hindustan Times, The economist, and The indian Express.

Question 36

What does the word 'vulnerable' in the above sentence mean?
  • A at the risk of
  • B. prepared for
  • C dangerous for
  • D. adventurous because of

Question 37

In (1), the word "earmarked " means the same as [blank_start]designedremovedreservedcleaned[blank_end]
  • designed
  • removed
  • reserved
  • cleaned

Question 38

Which of the following words is OPPOSITE in meaning to " acquisition" as used in (2)? [blank_start]lossreceiptdamagepurchase[blank_end]
  • loss
  • receipt
  • damage
  • purchase

Question 39

in (3), the phrase "cater to means "
  • A. provide for
  • B. check with
  • C. work with
  • D. care for

Question 40

In (4), the word "array" refers to " [blank_start]classificationstructurevarietyresult[blank_end]
  • classification
  • structure
  • variety
  • result

Question 41

In (5), the word 'conventional' refers to methods that are
  • A very similar
  • B. below average
  • C. specially selected
  • D. generally accepted

Question 42

Under which CATEGORY would you place the given poem?
  • dream
  • drama
  • fantasy
  • narrative

Question 43

The primary PURPOSE of the poem is to _____________________.
  • persuade us to write poems similar to the one here
  • familiarize us with ways to overcome problems in life
  • tell us about problems of unusual people in the world
  • encourage us to imagine and create interesting situations

Question 44

The poem ENDS on a SURPRISING note when the poet mentions that ___________________________.
  • A. he is just one inch tall
  • B he writes all night with a heavy pen
  • C. he can hug only his mother's thumb
  • D. he needs to constantly run away from big people

Question 45

The poem is WRITTEN in a __________________ tone. [blank_start]A bitterB. comicC. humbleD. serious[blank_end]
  • A. bitter
  • B. comic
  • C. humble
  • D. serious

Question 46

"The teardrop of a crying ant would be your swimming pool." in which of the lines from the poem is a similar COMPARISON used?
  • You'd walk beneath the door
  • bit of fluff would be your bed
  • To move a pen would take all night
  • You'd swing upon a spider's thread

Question 47

Which word in the poem MEANS "to move rhythmically to and fro?" [blank_start]rideSurfwalkswing[blank_end]
  • ride
  • Surf
  • walk
  • swing

Question 48

"Ah, William, we're weary of weather," said the sunflowers, shining with dew. "Our traveling habits have tired us. Can you give us a room with a view?" Which of these OPTIONS is highlighted in the lines given above?
  • A. Personification (giving human qualities to non-human objects)
  • B. Simile (comparison between two different things using words such as like or 'as')
  • C. Metaphor (comparison of two dissimilar things without using words such as 'like' or 'as)
  • D Alliteration (repetition of the same letter or sound at the beginning of words in a sentence)

Question 49

"Unbelievable!" she said to me, "I never thought you could draw so well" Which of the following options conveys the same meaning as the sentence above?
  • A. She was surprised that it was so unbelievable that she never thought I can draw so well.
  • B. She exclaimed that it was unbelievable, and she had never thought you could draw so well.
  • C. She was surprised that it was unbelievable and she never thought that you can draw so well.
  • D. She exclaimed that it was unbelievable, and that she had never thought I could draw so well.

Question 50

The machine needs to calculate the movement and position Which of the following options correctly completes the above sentence?
  • A. in order to provide stability of different terrains
  • B. in order of providing stability at different terrains
  • C. in order to provide stability over different terrains
  • D. in order of providing stability towards different terrains

Question 51

Which of the following sentences is written correctly?
  • A. The devastation was both due to the lack of water along with the misuse of land.
  • B. The devastation was also due to the lack of water and also due to the misuse of land.
  • C. The devastation was not only due to the lack of water but along with the misuse of land.
  • D. The devastation was not only due to the lack of water but also due to the misuse of land.

Question 52

"To make his misery complete, he was forced to travel back in the winter, in the me inclement weather. Which of the following words is closest in meaning to the word inclement in the above sentence?
  • A. cooperative
  • B. extreme
  • C. luckless
  • D. cooling

Question 53

Mary's beautiful singing voice was her ace in the hole in case everything else failed Which of the following options best explains the expression 'ace in the hole' in the above sentence?
  • A. a great victory
  • B. a set of techniques
  • C. an uplifting experience
  • D. an unrevealed advantage

Question 54

Although he says he has a horse mask, ___________________ Which of the following options best completes the above sentence?
  • A. he has another one too
  • B. I think he's telling the truth
  • C. he likes to show it to others
  • D. I have never seen him wear it

Question 55

The story was about ghosts. It was a funny one. No one who read it got scared. Which of the following options correctly combines the above sentences?
  • A. The story was about ghosts and because it was a funny one, no one who read it got scared
  • B. The story was about ghosts and though it was a funny one, no one who read it got scared.
  • C. The story was about ghosts and a funny one, or no one who read it got scared.
  • D. The story was about ghosts and a funny one, as no one who read it got scared

Question 56

Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
  • A. The four places they have been to so far are: the Sahara Desert, the Isle of Man, South Africa and the United Arab Emirate's.
  • B. The four places they have been to so far are, the Sahara desert, the Isle of Man, South Africa and the United Arab Emirates
  • C. The four places they have been to so far are, the Sahara Desert, the Isle of Man South Africa and the United Arab Emirate's.
  • D. The four places they have been to so far are: the Sahara Desert, the Isle of Man, South Africa and the United Arab Emirates.

Question 57

Select the word CLOSEST in meaning to the word additional in the sentence given below- At the present time, many people have no jobs, there is a lot of additional labour.
  • A. available
  • B. surplus
  • C. such
  • D. cheap

Question 58

Which of these sentences HAS A SPELLING ERROR?
  • A. The old man was afraid of the apparition of his wife.
  • B. The adamant student refused to give up the arguement.
  • C. The children watched the magician in fascination.
  • D. Some people love to exaggerate during narrations.

Question 59

By pulling the wool over his mum's eyes, Shane was
  • A. covering her face.
  • B. stealing things from her
  • C. hiding the truth from her
  • D. Speaking non-stop.

Question 60

Which word means 'a current of cold air' as well as 'a depth of water needed to float a ship'?
  • A. knot
  • B. draught
  • C. drought
  • D. nought
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