Chapter 7 Practice Test


NCLEX Nursing (N14 Health Promotion) Quiz on Chapter 7 Practice Test, created by N R on 01/07/2021.
Quiz by N R, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by N R over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

A nurse is determining which family assessment tool would be best to implement with a family when planning home visits for health promotion. Which of the following criteria should the nurse use to evaluate these tools?
  • The number of questions asked on the assessment tool
  • The linkages of the assessment to Healthy People 2020
  • The amount of involvement that the family has in completing the tool
  • The capability of the tool to assess goals and outcomes

Question 2

Which of the following best describes the nurses role in health promotion and disease prevention?
  • Educating about home safety measures
  • Identifying areas for family improvement
  • Implementing the nursing process using a systems perspective
  • Acting as a role model for the family

Question 3

Which of the following theories is an attempt to explain families as a set of interacting individuals with patterns of living that influence health decisions?
  • Feminist theory
  • Systems theory
  • Developmental theory
  • Resiliency theory

Question 4

A nurse is assessing how a family will transition and adapt after their youngest child leaves for college. By using this framework, which of the following perspectives is the nurse implementing?
  • Risk-factor
  • Structural-functional
  • Open systems
  • Developmental

Question 5

Which of the following would be described as a family structural component?
  • Income earner of the house
  • Socialization for the family
  • Immunization of infants
  • Launching of children

Question 6

A nurse is collecting data for a family assessment using Gordons functional health patterns. The nurse learns that the family has no books in the home to read to the preschool-age children. To which of the following functional health patterns does this information pertain?
  • Roles-relationship
  • Cognitive-perceptual
  • Health-perception health-management
  • Self-perception self-concept

Question 7

A nurse who is using Gordons functional health patterns is planning to assess its roles relationships pattern. Which of the following questions would be most appropriate for the nurse to ask?
  • What is the familys philosophy of health?
  • What does the family do to have fun?
  • How are problems in the family resolved?
  • Who decides when and how children go to sleep?

Question 8

A nurse is using a genogram to represent a family. Which of the following statements is accurate?
  • A genogram identifies the genetic disorders of the family
  • A genogram includes information about the past two generations
  • A genogram can be used to make connections about family health patterns
  • A genogram begins with a circle in the center of the page

Question 9

The ecomap of a clients family has slashed lines drawn from the son to the family church. Based on this information, what conclusion can the nurse make?
  • The son is deceased.
  • The son is actively involved with the family church
  • The son has a stressful relationship with the church
  • The son has no relationship with the church

Question 10

A client reports that her family will be moving because her husband is taking a new job in another state. She is very unhappy about the decision and doesnt want to move. What action should the nurse take next?
  • Assess the clients and familys coping mechanisms in handling stress.
  • Encourage the client to act excited about the move.
  • Talk to the husband to get his perspective on the move
  • Tell her that all families must cope with new situations from time to time

Question 11

In a family in which the mother and the father differ on how to spend and save money, the parents are constantly arguing with each other. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the plan of care for this couple?
  • Assist them to develop strategies that are congruent with their values.
  • Allow each of them to defend his or her own values
  • Focus on outcomes that each wants to accomplish
  • Divert their attention to areas in which they are successful

Question 12

A blended family has six children, ages 2, 4, 4, 5, 7, and 10. During a visit to the home, the nurse notices that the 7-year-old seems quiet and withdrawn, whereas the other children are playing loudly in the garage. Which of the following conclusions can the nurse make from this observation?
  • This child has most likely been abused
  • This child is one of multiple children closely spaced in age
  • This family suffers from low self-esteem
  • This family provides harsh punishment for their children

Question 13

The nurse is caring for a family who has 2-year-old twins. Which of the following health promotion advice would be included in the nurses plan of care for this couple?
  • Wear bicycle helmets for safety
  • Use caution around the family swimming pool
  • Cross the street at using the crosswalks
  • Advocate for the day care to provide adequate socialization

Question 14

A nurse is conducting a health promotion assessment for a family with a 9-month-old. Which of the following should be of most concern to the nurse?
  • The age of the house in which the family lives
  • Genetic diseases in the family
  • Driving practices in the family
  • Toilet training for the child

Question 15

A nurse is caring for a family with an adolescent child. Which of the following problems would the nurse anticipate that the family would report?
  • Concerns about career decisions
  • Concerns about exposure to environmental hazards
  • Difficulty with parents finding fulfillment with raising the child
  • Difficulty with open communication with the child

Question 16

The nurse is working with a middle-age married couple whose son has just graduated from college. Which developmental tasks would the nurse expect to find in this family?
  • Attending activities for their son
  • Strengthening their marital relationship for future family stages
  • Acting as a launching center for their son
  • Responding to the prospect of changing careers

Question 17

A nurse has developed a family nursing diagnosis. Which of the following best describes the purpose of this action?
  • Describes the strengths of the family
  • Allows for creation of goals for the family
  • Promotes behavioral change among family members
  • Validates health problems with the family

Question 18

A home care nurse is planning an intervention with a family focusing on decreasing susceptibility. Which of the following nursing interventions would be most appropriate to implement?
  • Education about building on current strengths of the family
  • Education about hand hygiene
  • Education about health care resources in the community
  • Education about child safety seats

Question 19

A nurse is making a final home visit with a family to evaluate the nursing care plan. Which of the following actions would the nurse most likely complete during this visit?
  • Obtain vital signs from all members of the family
  • Ask the family members to state the goals that were previously developed
  • Collect data similar to that which was collected at the initial visit for comparison
  • Educate about the importance of using role relationships to create a healthy family

Question 20

A nurse is planning a home visit for a family. Which of the following actions would be most appropriate for the nurse to take?
  • Study information regarding the family from agency records and other sources
  • Make a contract with the family that states specific goals and objectives
  • Identify how the home visit will be financed
  • Understand the situation from the familys perspective

Question 21

A nurse is providing follow-up care for a family who has recently had a baby. Which of the following topics should the nurse anticipate discussing with the family?
  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Fetal alcohol syndrome
  • Communicable diseases
  • SIDS

Question 22

A home health nurse is admitting a 54-year-old man for services following a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). As part of the initial visit the nurse completes a family assessment. What is the purpose of this nursing action? (Select all that apply)
  • Allows for health promotion and disease prevention appraisal
  • Allows for inclusion of family members in decision-making
  • Allows for data collection necessary for comparison to Healthy People 2020
  • Allows for development of patient-centered care

Question 23

A nurse is providing care for a family in the community. Which of the following characteristics would the nurse assess to determine the health of the family? (Select All That Apply)
  • Developmental stage of each family member
  • Coping mechanisms of each family member
  • Potential risk factors within the family
  • Maintenance of trust within the family

Question 24

A nurse is conducting an environmental assessment as part of a family assessment. Which of the following would the nurse assess? (select all that apply)
  • Garbage collection in the neighborhood
  • Convenience stores in the neighborhood
  • Safety of the home
  • Climate of the home
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