6th grade. Unit 6. Final Test 2


K-12 6th grade (Unit 6. Nature Wonders) Quiz on 6th grade. Unit 6. Final Test 2, created by Veronika Bebekh on 17/03/2022.
Veronika Bebekh
Quiz by Veronika Bebekh, updated more than 1 year ago
Veronika Bebekh
Created by Veronika Bebekh over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Read the information about Minsk and choose the correct item. Minsk is in [blank_start]the[blank_end] Centre of Belarus. The population [blank_start]of[blank_end] Minsk is over nine [blank_start]million[blank_end] people. The city is famous [blank_start]for[blank_end] its clean green streets. You [blank_start]shouldn't[blank_end] drop litter in the streets. [blank_start]Thousands[blank_end] of tourists visit Minsk every year.
  • the
  • a
  • of
  • in
  • million
  • millions
  • for
  • of
  • shouldn't
  • should
  • Thousands
  • Thousand

Question 2

Complete the text about Nesvizh. Use the words below. One word is extra. Nesvizh is an old [blank_start]town[blank_end]. Its [blank_start]population[blank_end] is over 15,000 people. Nesvizh [blank_start]castle[blank_end] is one of the most beautiful buildings in Belarus. Now it is the [blank_start]national[blank_end] Historical and Cultural Museum. Many [blank_start]tourists[blank_end] visit it every day. You can stay at a [blank_start]comfortable[blank_end] hotel in Nesvizh.
  • town
  • population
  • castle
  • national
  • tourists
  • comfortable
  • nation

Question 3

Write the comparative or superlative forms of the adjectives. 1) Cheetahs are [blank_start]faster[blank_end] (fast) than tigers. Cheetahs are [blank_start]the[blank_end] [blank_start]fastest[blank_end] (fast) animals in the world. 2) Dogs are [blank_start]friendlier[blank_end] (friendly) than cats. 3) Today the weather is [blank_start]better[blank_end] (good) than it was yesterday. 4) I think travelling by car is [blank_start]the[blank_end] [blank_start]most[blank_end] [blank_start]comfortable[blank_end] (comfortable) way of travelling. 5) Whales are [blank_start]the[blank_end] [blank_start]largest[blank_end] (large) animals on our planet. 6) Nesvizh is [blank_start]older[blank_end] (old) than St Petersburgh.
  • faster
  • the
  • fastest
  • friendlier
  • better
  • the
  • most
  • comfortable
  • the
  • largest
  • older

Question 4

Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Present Perfect and complete the dialogue. Steve: You know that? Nick [blank_start]has[blank_end] [blank_start]won[blank_end] (win) a trip to Belarus! Kevin: Really? [blank_start]Has[blank_end] he [blank_start]packed[blank_end] (pack) his suitcase yet? Steve: Not yet. His flight is next week. [blank_start]Have[blank_end] you ever [blank_start]been[blank_end] (be) to Belarus? Kevin: Yes, three years ago. Steve: What [blank_start]did[blank_end] you [blank_start]do[blank_end] (do) there? Kevin: I [blank_start]visited[blank_end] (visit) Belarusian castles and churches. Some of them are very old and nice. Steve: I [blank_start]have[blank_end] never [blank_start]been[blank_end] (be) to Belarus. Kevin: You should definitely go there some day.
  • has
  • won
  • Has
  • packed
  • Have
  • been
  • did
  • do
  • visited
  • have
  • been
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