10 Study Hacks to Make Life so Much Easier


5 Study Hacks for Studying Online
Mind Map by KitKat1075, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by KitKat1075 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

10 Study Hacks to Make Life so Much Easier
  1. Don't cram your head the night before the exam, digest your new knowledge slowly, over time.
    1. Plan what you're going to study and when. Stretch it out, make sure you really understand the content
      1. Reward yourself, during a break get a snack, watch a show, or surf the net...
        1. When you study, ditch the library and head to the coffee shop, or park, etc.
          1. Plan breaks
            1. Review class notes within 12-24 hours of exam
              1. EXERCISE - It helps boosts the attributions of the studying
                1. Give yourself "pre-tests" or mini-quizzes you either make yourself or find on the internet related to your subject
                  1. Check your surroundings, they can have a HUGE impact on your concentration levels
                    1. Chew a new flavor of gum while studying, then chew it during the pre-test, and then the actual exam. Your mind will associate the flavor of gum with the study knowledge.
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