Cicero and the First Triumvirate


A-Level Classics (Guide Sheet B) Quiz on Cicero and the First Triumvirate, created by Amy Le Grys on 05/01/2016.
Amy Le Grys
Quiz by Amy Le Grys, updated more than 1 year ago
Amy Le Grys
Created by Amy Le Grys over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

What did Pompey, Crassus and Caesar want?
  • 1. Get a third of his money back
  • 1. Wanted the rights to tax Asia
  • 1. Wanted more prestige and recognition
  • Paid too much and failed to get a profit
  • 2. Government recognition for provinces
  • 2. Another Consulship
  • 3. Land to be given to his troops
  • 1. Both were usual things that occured
  • 1. Both were unusual things asked for
  • Consulship> get military command in Gaul
  • Total control

Question 2

The Triumvirate was formed in [blank_start]60 BC[blank_end]. This was Caesar's idea and enabled them to run Rome, it was [blank_start]a private agreement[blank_end]. Pompey, Crassus and Caesar all wanted something that they could not get on their own. Pompey wanted [blank_start]two things[blank_end]- [blank_start]recognition of the four provinces[blank_end] that he created in Asia and [blank_start]land to be given to his troops[blank_end]; both of these things usually happened automatically, but due to his opponents in the senate they were blocked. Crassus had previously brought [blank_start]the right to collect taxes in Asia[blank_end], however despite implementing [blank_start]heavy taxes he could not get a profit[blank_end] and wanted third of his money back from the senate. Caesar wanted [blank_start]a consulship[blank_end] so that afterwards he would be eligible for a [blank_start]military command in Gaul[blank_end], which would give him huge wealth and glory. Caesar was the [blank_start]brains[blank_end] of the Triumvirate along with a powerful persuasion. Pompey had the [blank_start]influence[blank_end] that came with the huge army of voters and being a very popular general. Crassus was the [blank_start]money[blank_end] and was able to bribe anyone who needed to be. This meant that they were able to fix things for years. In [blank_start]59 BC[blank_end] Caesar became [blank_start]consul[blank_end] and the year after he got the military command in [blank_start]Gaul[blank_end]. Also in [blank_start]58 BC[blank_end] they fixed both consuls one was Piso- [blank_start]Caesar's[blank_end] father in law and the other was Gabiniaus who was a close friend of [blank_start]Pompey's.[blank_end] They along with Crassus' money ran the senate in the interests of the Triumvirate.
  • 60 BC
  • 61 BC
  • 59 BC
  • a private agreement
  • known publically
  • two things
  • one thing
  • recognition of the four provinces
  • the wealth and glory
  • land to be given to his troops
  • his rivals to be removed from the senate
  • the right to collect taxes in Asia
  • new land in the Roman Empire
  • heavy taxes he could not get a profit
  • making himself governor he couldn't
  • a consulship
  • be become a governor
  • military command in Gaul
  • military command in Russia
  • military command in England
  • brains
  • money
  • influence
  • influence
  • brains
  • money
  • money
  • brains
  • influence
  • 59 BC
  • 60 BC
  • 69 BC
  • consul
  • governor
  • Gaul
  • England
  • Russia
  • 58 BC
  • 68 BC
  • Caesar's
  • Pompey's
  • Crassus'
  • Pompey's
  • Caesar's
  • Crassus'

Question 3

What happened during Caesar's consulship in 59 BC?
  • The Campanian Land was passed which gave Pompey's soldiers land
  • Cicero was put on a death list
  • Caesar was assasssinated
  • The 4 provinces were acknowledged
  • Pompey and Crassus started to argue and disagree, once they got what they wanted
  • Crassus got his money back
  • Caesar went back on the agreement and didn't give Pompey or Crassus what they wanted
  • Every political meeting Pompey's soldiers in the senate room to intimidate the senate
  • Bibulus, the other consul, had the public toilet tipped over him

Question 4

Cicero [blank_start]did not like[blank_end] Caesar's consulship in 59 BC stating that there was [blank_start]"nothing but utter despair"[blank_end] in one of his letters to Atticus. Cicero was asked to join the Triumvirate due to his [blank_start]oratory, his vast influence and weight[blank_end] that his opinion carries. He was offered a prestige job [blank_start]in the military campaign in Gaul[blank_end] at Caesar's side and an [blank_start]all expenses paid foreign religious trip[blank_end] so that he would be out of Rome and less of a threat. He [blank_start]denied[blank_end] both. This was due to the fact that the dominance of the Triumvirate was the [blank_start]opposite of Cicero's core beliefs[blank_end], which were a democratic republic and freedom of speech. A main factor of this was the Campanian Land Law which required everyone who was standing for election to take [blank_start]an oath to swear not to change the law[blank_end]; this is extremely anti-democratic. In a public speech Cicero [blank_start]attacked the violence[blank_end] of Caesar's consulship and the Campanian Land Law. Not 24 hours later Caesar was conspiring with Pompey and Clodius to [blank_start]exile Cicero[blank_end], due to him executing Roman citizens without a trial, despite them being traitors aligning themselves with Catiline.
  • did not like
  • did like
  • "nothing but utter despair"
  • "everything to be hopeful about"
  • oratory, his vast influence and weight
  • scandalous disrespect for the republic
  • nefarious ways and weight
  • love for Rome and the influence
  • in the military campaign in Gaul
  • in the senate
  • in a province
  • all expenses paid foreign religious trip
  • governorship in a lucrative province
  • denied
  • accepted
  • opposite of Cicero's core beliefs
  • same as Cicero's core beliefs
  • most idealistic way to run Rome
  • an oath to swear not to change the law
  • attacked the violence
  • praised the resourcefulness
  • exile Cicero
  • praise Cicero and pardon him

Question 5

When was Cicero exiled?
  • 62 BC
  • 52 BC
  • 58 BC
  • 67 BC

Question 6

When Cicero was exile Clodius burnt his town house to the ground and built a temple to freedom on top of it.
  • True
  • False

Question 7

Why was Cicero pardoned?
  • Pompey needed help against Crassus and believed that Cicero could help
  • People believed that Cicero was the only hope against the Triumvirate
  • Cicero's brother promises that Cicero won't oppose the Triumvirate

Question 8

What did Cicero get Pompey in thanks?
  • Corn Commision
  • Another military command
  • Being governor of Spain

Question 9

The Triumvirate is visibly splitting in [blank_start]56 BC[blank_end], with Caesar in Gaul and Pompey and Crassus quarreling. Also all three of them had gained what they wanted and what drew them together in the first place. Crassus had hated Pompey ever since 71 BC when Pompey stole all of the glory for [blank_start]winning the Slave War[blank_end] when Crassus had been fighting for two years. Crassus had joined with [blank_start]Clodius[blank_end] who had a team of thugs which they used to intimidate Pompey. This makes life so hard for Pompey that he goes to a local gladiator school and chooses two gladiators to protect him as he walked around Rome. Caesar assembled Crassus and Pompey at [blank_start]Luca[blank_end] in 56 BC to stop them from quarreling. Caesar promises them a [blank_start]joint consulship in 55 BC.[blank_end] For Pompey he gives a province of [blank_start]Spain with three legions for 5 years[blank_end] and he stay in Rome so he [blank_start]never even needs to go to Spain[blank_end]. Crassus also gets the province of [blank_start]Syria[blank_end] so that he can launch an attack on the Parthian Empire. Unfortunately in 53 BC he lost the standards and his life.
  • 56 BC
  • 57 BC
  • 60 BC
  • winning the Slave War
  • getting the command in Asia
  • Clodius
  • Bibulus
  • Cicero
  • Luca
  • Spain
  • Rome
  • joint consulship in 55 BC.
  • wealth and prestige.
  • Spain with three legions for 5 years
  • Gaul with two legions
  • never even needs to go to Spain
  • never even needs to go to Gaul
  • Syria
  • Iran

Question 10

Why did Cicero drop his opposition to the Triumvirate?
  • They threatened his brother
  • He was going to be exiled again
  • He realized that the optimates were just using him and they had no power so he joined those who did
  • He couldn't be bothered to fight it any more

Question 11

What period did Cicero drop out of politics?
  • 56- 44 BC
  • 57-58 BC
  • 58- 40 BC
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