CNS Skull Part 2


CNS Skull Part 2
Med Student
Quiz by Med Student , updated more than 1 year ago
Med Student
Created by Med Student over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Which of the following A to E supplies the structures 1 to 41? A. sella turcica [blank_start]1[blank_end] 1.body of of the sphenoid bone B. foramen ovale [blank_start]3[blank_end] 2. lesser wing of the sphenoid C. scaphoid fossa [blank_start]4[blank_end] 3. greater wing of the sphenoid D. anterior clinoid process [blank_start]2[blank_end] 4. pterygoid process E. hypophysial fossa [blank_start]1[blank_end] F. foramen spinosum [blank_start]3[blank_end]
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Question 2

Which of the following A to F supplies the structures I to 5? A. processus [blank_start]4[blank_end] B. fossa [blank_start]5[blank_end] C. canalis [blank_start]2[blank_end] D. tubercultim [blank_start]3[blank_end] E. fossula [blank_start]1[blank_end] Answers 1. petrosa 2. infraorbitalis 3. articulare 4. styloideus 5. mandibularis
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Question 3

Which of the following A to E supplies the structures 1 to 5? A.condylus [blank_start]4[blank_end] B.arcus [blank_start]1[blank_end] C.margo [blank_start]5[blank_end] D.canalis [blank_start]2[blank_end] E.sulcus [blank_start]3[blank_end] Answers 1. superciliaris 2. hypoglossi 3. artetiae occipitalis 4. occipitalis 5. supraorbitalis
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Question 4

Which of the following A to E supplies the structures 1 to 5? A. ala [blank_start]3[blank_end] B. sinus [blank_start]4[blank_end] C. processus [blank_start]5[blank_end] D. fossa [blank_start]2[blank_end] E. canalis [blank_start]1[blank_end] Answers 1. caroticus 2. jugularis 3. minor 4. sphenoidalis 5. zygomaticus
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Question 5

Which of the following A to E supplies the structures 1 to 5? A. eminentia [blank_start]3[blank_end] B. processus [blank_start]4[blank_end] C. margo [blank_start]1[blank_end] D. meatus [blank_start]5[blank_end] E. lamina [blank_start]2[blank_end] Answers 1. squamosus 2. cribrosa 3. arcuata 4. mastoideus 5. acusticus interims
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Question 6

Which of the following A to E supplies the structures 1 to 5? A. crista [blank_start]4[blank_end] B. lamina [blank_start]3[blank_end] C. foramen [blank_start]2[blank_end] D. sinus [blank_start]1[blank_end] E. ramus [blank_start]5[blank_end] Answers 1. maxillaris 2. cecum 3. orbitalis 4. galli 5. mandibulae
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Question 7

Which of the following A to E supplies the structures 1 to 5? A. fovea [blank_start]5[blank_end] B. incisura [blank_start]4[blank_end] C. foramen [blank_start]1[blank_end] D. sutura [blank_start]3[blank_end] E. protuberantia [blank_start]2[blank_end] Answers 1. zygornatico-facialis 2. mentalis 3. coronalis 4. mandibulae 5. sublingualis
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Question 8

Which of the following A to E supplies the structures 1 to 5? A. spina [blank_start]2[blank_end] B. foramen [blank_start]1[blank_end] C. tuber [blank_start]4[blank_end] D. lamina [blank_start]5[blank_end] E. sepia [blank_start]3[blank_end] Answers 1. mandibulae 2. mentaiis 3. interalveolaria 4. maxillae 5. horizontalis
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Question 9

Which of the following A to E supplies the structures 1 to 5? A. sinus [blank_start]1[blank_end] B. tuber [blank_start]2[blank_end] C. foramen [blank_start]3[blank_end] D. fissura [blank_start]4[blank_end] E. fossa [blank_start]5[blank_end] Answers 1. maxillaris 2. maxillae 3. ovale 4. orbitalis superior 5. glandulae lacrimalis
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Question 10

Which of the following A to E supplies the structures 1 to 5? A. sulcus [blank_start]5[blank_end] B. foramen [blank_start]3[blank_end] C. lamina [blank_start]4[blank_end] D. hamulus [blank_start]2[blank_end] E. Meastus [blank_start]1[blank_end] Answers 1. acusticus internus 2. pterigoideus 3. spinosum 4. pterigoidea medialis 5. sinus sagittalis superior
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