Point 24: People Reconstruct Memories Each Time They Remember Them


Slide Set on Point 24: People Reconstruct Memories Each Time They Remember Them, created by Sergio Barrera on 26/10/2020.
Sergio Barrera
Slide Set by Sergio Barrera, updated more than 1 year ago
Sergio Barrera
Created by Sergio Barrera almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Memories Change 
    Memories are nerve pathways firing anew each time it is remembered which mean memories are reconstructed even time we think of them which can lead to the memory changing.  Later experiences can change memories that are related like a falling out with a friend can change how you remember memories from beforehand. Memory can also fill in gaps with things that didn't happen like say recalling your brother being at a certain event because "why wouldn't he have?"
    Caption: : A short video going into more detail about how memories change

Slide 2

    Memories Can Be Manipulated 
    In her research, Elizabeth Loftus found that eyewitnesses answered differently when questioned about a crash; even recalling things that didn't happen, all by changing the wording of their questions.  Another study done in 2008 showed that witnesses could remember clearer and more accurately if asked to close their eyes while remembering.  Memories can even be erased as research at Johns Hopkins in 2010 shows. 
    Caption: : In Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; a business exists to erase memories

Slide 3

    The words you use can have a large affect on what people remember    People usually cannot remember accurately what they or other did or said   Take what people say after the fact with a grain a salt.
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