

WorkTime is the only unique non-invasive, pure productivity monitoring software on the market. 20+ years of experience. Trusted by medical, insurance, banking, educational, charity, IT and government organizations. Successfully works on large volumes for years, remaining both, the software and the database, stable.
Emily Nelson
Slide Set by Emily Nelson, updated more than 1 year ago
Emily Nelson
Created by Emily Nelson about 3 years ago

Resource summary

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    WorkTime is the only unique non-invasive, pure productivity monitoring software on the market. 20+ years of experience. Trusted by medical, insurance, banking, educational, charity, IT and government organizations. Successfully works on large volumes for years, remaining both, the software and the database, stable.
    Why WorkTime?

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    How WorkTime helps your company
    Improves productivity & attendance Employees’ productivity will be 3-20% minimum better with WorkTime. 3-20% – this is how much time employees spend on their personal needs (including poor attendance, being idle, browsing, socializing) in average. WorkTime brings productivity up, improves employees’ attendance, discipline by reducing idle and personal time.
    Saves company‘s money Your company saves 30 salaries of 1,000 minimum with WorkTime. Per our customer (3,500+ employees, 300 Citrix servers): Facebook time alone is 3%+ of the working time (30 of 1,000 salaries). In some cases (companies with 20-100 employees) browsing time was about 50% of the working time. WorkTime reduces unproductive time down to zero.

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    How WorkTime helps your company
    Saves on licensed software Per our customer (a school board, 2,500+ computers): they have discovered with WorkTime that lots of very expensive licensed software is not being used. The software costs are estimated at 4 to 5 figures. WorkTime is a very effective & inexpensive solution to this situation. It helps to save lots of money.
    Helps planning new purchases WorkTime shows you the real situation about computers and software usage. Based on this information your company can plan future purchases. WorkTime also helps take off the load from the overloaded departments/people and to decide if you need to hire more employees (it shows you if there is insufficient productivity or overworking).
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