theoretical supports for CALL


Slide Set on theoretical supports for CALL, created by 杨莎莎 on 09/03/2016.
Slide Set by 杨莎莎, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 杨莎莎 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    A community is a group who shares a common territory.the most important elements:mutual interdependence among members, sense of belongs, connectedness, spirit, trust, interactivity, common expectations, shared values and goals, and overlapping histories among members. (Rovai, 2002)

Slide 2

    It is not every classroom of learners that can reach the stage of becoming a community of learners. (Williams and Burden, 1997)Advantages of creating an online learning community:1. give students a sense of belonging2. Student remain anonymous, therefore, reducing their fear of mistakes3. give students an equal chance to respond4. develop different kinds of skills    e.g. organizing and planning learning activities, working collaboratively, giving and receiving feedback, etc. (Boud, 2002)

Slide 3

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