Point 63


The "Strong Tie" Group Size Limit is 150 People
Deleted user
Slide Set by Deleted user, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Mary Moore
Created by Mary Moore over 7 years ago
Mary Moore
Copied by Mary Moore over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    The "Strong Tie" Group Size 
    An average person has a strong social relationship with about 150 people, realistically varying from 100 - 230 people.A strong relationship is defined by:  Everyone living in a close proximity to each other Everyone knowing personal information about individuals in the group Everyone understanding how the group feels about each other Social media allows people to expand their social group, but the relationship between users is considered a "weak tie" since you can interact with strangers or acquaintances that you may not live near or know that well

Slide 2

    Understanding the relationship among your users, will help set expectations for your design. Knowing if the ties are strong or weak affects the communication and functionality aspects of the design. 
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