Research Methodology (AAHR03) - Overview


Exam Preparation for January 2015
Apunte por kathleen, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por kathleen hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

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Name the 8 characteristics of Research (Leedy Pg 2) Research starts with a question or problem Research requires clearly defined/articulated goal Research usually breaks the main problem up into smaller more manageable subproblems Research is guided by the specific research problem/question/hypothesis Research requires a specific plan for proceeding Research rests on certain critical assumptions Research requires the collection and interpretation of data in an effort to solve the problem that initiated the research Research is cyclical

Formulation of the Problem (Leedy pg 31) State the problem clearly and completely - condensed into 1 sentence. Think through the feasibility of the project that the problem implies - it should be possible for you to conduct the research. Say exactly what you mean - absolute honesty and integrity in every statement a scholar makes. State the problem in a way that reflects an open mind about its solution - you cannot imply the results or outcome of your study in your problem statement.  It should never be in the form of a hypothesis. Edit your work!

Selection and Analysis of the Research Topic (Leedy pg 27)Defining goals and objectives of research is the backbone and first requirement of the process: Look around you - research problems are in everyday events or at your workplace Read existing literature - find out what is already known about your topic of interest Ask advice from experts in the field -  Attend professional conferences -  Choose a topic that interests and motivates you -  Choose a topic that others will find interesting and worthwhile

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