Reaction Time and Rates


Apunte sobre Reaction Time and Rates, creado por Gemma R el 25/10/2014.
Gemma R
Apunte por Gemma R, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Gemma R
Creado por Gemma R hace alrededor de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Página 1

Reaction Time

Slow reactions=Long reaction times

Fast reactions= Short reaction times

The time taken between a reaction starting and stopping

A reaction stops when all the reactants have been used up

is reaction would start when the Mg and HCl were mixed together, the release of hydrogen would cause bubbling. If the acid was in excess the reaction and therefore the bubbling would stop when the magnesium was used up.

Measuring Rates

Rate of reaction measures the amount of product created in a fixed amount of time

Slow reaction=> Small amount of product in a long time

Fast reaction=> Large amount of product in a short time

Product-----------   = Rate of Reaction or the slope of a product time-graphTime

The reaction starts when the calcium carbonate and acid are mixed together.

CO2 pushes the plunger out and it's volume is read at regular intervals.

The reactant that is all used up is the limiting reactant in this example it might be calcium carbonate so when it is all used up some acid will be left over.

The amount of product formed is directly proportional to the limited reaction

Reaction Rate and Temperature

The rate of reaction depends on the temperature of the reaction mixture. As the temperature increases the rate of reaction increases.

For a reaction to happen reactant particles most collide with each other. The more frequent collisions are the faster the reaction. The particles have more energy at higher temperatures so they move faster causing more collisions and therefore a faster reaction

Reaction Time

Measuring the Rates of Reactions

Reaction Rate and Temperature

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