Kapitel 1 Assessment rubric - vocabulary and grammar


Vocabulary and grammar assessment rubric
Peter Moss
Apunte por Peter Moss, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Peter Moss
Creado por Peter Moss hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

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Kapitel 1 Assessment Rubric - Vocabulary and grammar. Read the rubric carefully to understand the assessment criteria.  The rubric also uses the German academic grade terms: sehr gut – very good; gut – good; befriedigend – satisfactory; ausreichend – sufficient; mangelhaft – weak. Exceeds target – A/sehr gut. Pupil is able to use and recognise all language in the assessment Meets target  - B/gut. Pupil is is able to use and recognise most of all language used in the assessment. Approaches target – C/befriedigend. Pupil is able to use and recognise language used in the assessment but with a degree of error, gaps and inaccuracies. Below target – D/ausreichend. Pupil has trouble using and recognising language in the assessment or is lacking in accuracy. Far below target – E/mangelhaft. Pupil is unable to use and recognise language in the assessment and/or is inaccurate.          

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