Creado por ljenkins0769
hace casi 10 años
Background to Mark's Gospel The Writing Of the gospel The traditional view of Mark writing the gospel Who? John Mark in the New Testament. He may have lived in the house where the last supper was held. This later became a meeting point for early Christians so he was in contact with the new Christian community. In the story of Jesus' arrest, a naked man wearing only a garment is described. This may have been Mark as there was no need to add such a detail. When? Where? Many of the stories imply that the gospel was written around the destruction of the temple (70 CE. Mark's gospel is the first of the four. The traditional view is that the gospel was written in Rome by Mark if the new Testament but some argue that it may have been written in Syria or Egypt. Primary sources behind the gospel Papias made a statement about Mark following Jesus' disciple Peter, which can explain the detail. Jesus' words were also written in Aramaic, the language of Jerusalem at the time. Eyewitnesses such as the blind Bartimaeus could have passed on Jesus' words and teachings Divine inspiration from God may be how Mark came to write the gospel. Some Christians therefore believe that all the gospel is correct. Other sources Oral Tradition and word of mouth Ur Markus, a first gospel written in Aramaic Words of Paul and Barnabas preaching in Rome.Reasons for writing the gospel Support for Christians in a time of need Mark needed to stress the importance of Jesus' death
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