Chemistry Grade 10


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Ions Cations: Positively Charged Ions, usually metals Cations-> Cat-> Purr -> Purrsitive Anions: Negatively Charged Ions Anions-> Onion -> Crying -> Negative, usually non-metals     

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Ionic Bonding Metal + Non-Metal -> Ionic Compound Happens because of the octet rule The octet rule is filling the electron shell by gaining or losing electrons, so in ionic bonding electrons are lost from one ion but gained in the other.  Naming Ionic Compounds MgBr2   Identify the elements (Magnesium and Bromine)   Check the periodic table to see if they are transition metals (No they are not)  Begin to form the name (Magnesium Bromine) Replace the end of the 2nd element with -ide, add roman numerals if applicable (Magnesium Bromide) Fe2O3  Identify the elements (Iron and Oxygen)   Check the periodic table to see if they are transition metals (Yes iron is)  Begin to form the name (Iron Oxygen) Replace the end of the 2nd element with -ide, add roman numerals if applicable (Iron (III) Oxide, the roman numeral is 3 because that is the charge of iron) Writing Chemical Formula  Sodium Chloride   Identify the elements (Na and Cl)  Identify the charges (Na +, Cl -) Add atoms to make the compound neutral (Already done) Write out the chemical formula (NaCl) Copper (II) Sulfate  Identify the elements (Cu and SO4)  Identify the charges (Cu2+, SO4 2-) Add atoms to make the compound neutral (Already done) Write out the chemical formula (CuSO4)

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Covalent Bonding Non-Metal + Non-Metal -> Covalent Compound  Sharing Electrons Elements share electrons to gain stability and complete the electron shell Naming Covalent Compounds N2O4  Identify the elements (Nitrogen and Oxygen)   Add prefixes (2-di and 4-tetra) Begin to form the name (Dinitrogen tetroxygen) Replace the end of the 2nd element with -ide (Dinitrogen tetroxide) List of Prefixes  Mono Di Tri Tetra Penta Hexa Hepta Octa Nona Deca *If there is only one atom in the first element no prefix is required ex. IF7 Iodine heptafluoride* Writing Chemical Formula  Pentaboron nonahydride   Identify the elements (B and H)  Use the prefixes to identify how many atoms (Penta-5 and Nona- 9) Add these numbers into the subscript (Boron5Hydrogen9) Write out the chemical formula (B5H9)

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Chemical Equations Reactants -> Products  Chemical Reactions is a process that forms a product from the reactants  These equations must be balanced (same amount of atoms on left and right side) to observe the law of conservation of mass  State symbols must be included in chemical equations S= Solid L= Liquid G= Gas Aq= Aqueous (dissolved in water)  Diatomic elements (pure elements that form molecules consisting of two atoms bonded together)  There are 7, here is a acronym: Have. No. Fear. Of. Ice. Cold. Beer Hydrogen. Nitrogen. Fluorine. Oxygen. Iodine. Chlorine. Bromine.  Another way is BrINClHOF pronounced Brinklekoff  Bromine Iodine Nitrogen Chlorine Hydrogen Oxygen Fluorine  Skeleton Equation  An equation that includes the elements and a neutral compound, but hasn't been balanced yet.  Balancing Equations  Since you can't add more atoms to a compound (as it would be unbalanced), you add coefficients  __ H2       +       ____ Cl2    →   ____ HCl On the left side we have 2 hydrogen and 2 Chlorine and on the right we have 1 hydrogen and 1 chlorine. Therefore we add a coefficient of 2 to the right, in order to balance. __H2 + __Cl2   →  2HCl Words equation into chemical equation  Solid piece of aluminum reacts with oxygen gas to produce solid aluminum oxide 1. Identify the elements (Al and O)  2.  Begin to form equation (Al + O -> AlO)  3. Create a neutral compound (Since Al has 3+ charge and O has 2-, the compound is Al2O3) 4. Balance the equation (Al2 + O3 -> Al2O3) 5. Add state symbols (Al2(s) + O3(g) -> Al2O3(s) )  

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Types of Chemical Reactions  Synthesis Reaction that occurs when reactants form a new product Sodium + Chloride -> Sodium Chloride  2Na +Cl2 -> 2NaCl  Decomposition  Reaction that occurs when a compound breaks down into a two simpler products  Water -> Hydrogen and Oxygen  2H2O2 -> H2 + O2 Single Displacement Reaction that occurs when one element is more reactive so it replaces the other  Cation replacement and anion replacement, use the reactivity series if it's higher it will replace Potassium Bromide + Fluorine -> Potassium Fluoride + Bromine  2KBr + F2 -> 2KF +Br2 Double Displacement  Reaction that occurs when two compounds exchange cations to form two new elements  There are two types, precipitation (produces solid precipitate) and neutralization (acid and bases) Silver Nitrate + Sodium Chloride -> Sodium Nitrate + Silver Chloride  AgNO3 + NaCl -> NaNO3 + AgCl  Combustion Reaction that occurs when fuel ignites oxygen forming an oxide compound  Complete combustion is when there is lots of oxygen, forms CO2  whereas incomplete lacks oxygen, CO Methane + Oxygen > Carbon Dioxide + Water CH4 + 2O2 -> CO2 + 2H2O  

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Acids A compound that produces hydrogen atoms when dissolved in water. Common acids are juices, explosives and carbonated drinks. Properties of acids tastes sours, reacts with metals to produce hydrogen gas, reacts with carbonates to produce CO2. Ionization  Process of acids producing ions when placed in water, these ions can conduct electricity.  Binary acids Acid composed of two elements, hydrogen (the cation) and a non-metal (the anion). Naming Binary Acids HCl Identify the non-metal (Chloride)  Write the root of the non-metal (Chlor) Add the prefix hydro to the root name (Hydrochlor) Add the suffix ic acid to the root name (Hydrochloric Acid)  Root names: Cl- Chlor, F- Flor, Br- Brom, P- Phosphor, I- Iod  Oxacids  Acid composed of hydrogen, oxygen and another element. Naming Oxacids  H2CO3 Identify the other element (Carbonate) Write the name of the element without ate or ite (Carbon)  If it ends with ate replace with ic, if it ends with ite replace with ous (Carbonic) Add acid to the end  Chemical names to chemical formulas  Hydrobromic Acid  Since it has hydro at the beginning we know it's binary. We then set up our formula knowing it will contain H and Br. Hydrogen's charge is 1+ and Bromine's charge is 1-, meaning the compound is already neutral therefore it's HBr.  Phosphoric Acid  Since it doesn't have hydro at the beginning we know it's oxacid. We then figure out which polynomic ion phosphoric is by removing the ic and adding ate. Now we have phosphate which is PO4 with a charge of 3- and hydrogen with a charge of 1+. To balance this out we add 3 hydrogen's therefore H3PO4.

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Bases A compound that produces hydroxide atoms when dissolved in water. Common acids are soap, bleach and baking soda. Properties of bases tastes bitter, feels slippery, has no reaction to metals or carbonates Dissociation   Breaking up a base to show the charges of the atoms  NaOH -> Na+ + OH -  Hydrogen Oxide Always in a base, has an overall charge of 1- Naming Bases Mg(OH)2 Identify the cation (Magnesium)  Form the name by writing the cation (Magnesium) Add hydroxide  the end (Magnesium Hydroxide) Chemical names to chemical formulas  Calcium Hydroxide The cation is Calcium. So far our formula is CaOH. Calcium has a charge of 2+ and Hydroxide has a charge of 1-. To make this compound neutral we must add another OH. Therefore it is Ca(OH)2.  Manganese (II) hydroxide  The cation is Manganese which is a transition metal. So far our formula is MnOH. In this case Manganese has a charge of 2+ and OH has a charge of 1-. To make this compound neutral we must add another OH. Therefore it is Mn(OH)2. 

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pH scale Potential of hydrogen or power of hydrogen, meaning how many hydrogen ions are in a solution Used to rank solutions in terms of  acidity or basicity (alkalinity), range from 0-14 Acidic substances Have a pH value less than 7, red orange and yellow  Alkaline substances Have a pH value greater than 7, dark green blue and purple Neutral Neither acidic nor, do not yield excess H or OH ions when dissolved in water, light green Indicator  Substance that changes color when in contact with an acid or base, proving which one it is  Ex. Litmus: Blue litmus paper turns red if it's an acid and red litmus paper turns blue if it's a base

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Neutralization  When an acid neutralizes a base water and a salt are formed  The pH of a solution after neutralization is 7 (neutral)  Products of Neutralization KOH +HBr -> ____ + ______ Identify the elements (Potassium, Hydrogen and Bromine) Write in water (KOH + HBr -> H2O + ____) Write in the salt (KOH + HBr -> H2O + KBr) Make sure the compound is neutral ( K1+ and Br 1-)  Balance Equation and add state symbols (KOH(s) + HBr(aq) -> H2O(l) + KBr(s) ) Word Formulas into Chemical Nitric acid was reacted with aluminum hydroxide Identify the elements (Nitric Acid is HNO3 and Aluminum hydroxide is AlOH3) Write out reactants (HNO3 + AlOH3) Write in water (HNO3 + AlOH3 -> H2O) Write in the salt (HNO3 + AlOH3 -> H2O + AlNO3) Make sure the compound is neutral (Al 3+ and NO3 is - so the compound would be Al(NO3)3 ) Balance equation and add state symbols (3HNO3 (l) + AlOH3 (s) -> 3H2O (l) + Al(NO3)3(s) ) 

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